Being overweight doesn’t only takes away your activeness and stamina, but welcome lots of hazardous health condition. Obesity makes you prone to numerous ailments. The

Probably there is nothing your smartphone can’t do! The navigation system will help you beat the traffic, a streaming platform would help you for binge-watching,

Everyone has a different body type? Yes, and it goes without saying. No two person’s body can be ditto same. Some of us are taller,

Losing weight isn’t easy, but knowing the right way can help! Every year you set the same resolution of weight loss, but at the end

You have resolved to lose the weight but don’t know how? Most of us would sit relax thinking we’ll lose fat without doing any exercises

Fruits can help you burn fat, but you need to know the right one! Starting the journey of weight loss is the damn hard first

The incredible transformation of the weight of Oscar-winning actress is doing rounds on the internet. Anne Hathaway weight loss is something that made everyone go

The vegan diet is the new health trend! Health is the foremost concern in this busy life. Due to lack of time, polluted environment and

Being a fitness freak doesn’t only provide us a healthy body but, makes it appear fit too. Six pack body is a trend between the