What Is Testosterone? How to Maintain T-Levels [Diagnosis + Treatment]

What Comes to Your Mind When Asked: “What Does Testosterone Do”?

Testosterone often finds its link with masculinity, strength, aggression, and reproduction.

However, what does testosterone do is beyond the common notion.

This hormone plays a crucial role in the development of male sex organs and the characteristics that define manhood. 

But what does testosterone do beyond that? The answers might throw you off balance.

It’s not just the man who needs testosterone, even women’s bodies require a healthy level of testosterone for overall wellness.

From building muscle and maintaining bone density to regulating mood and boosting cognitive function, testosterone is a key player in many of the body’s important functions. 

It helps to keep sex drive, energy levels, and overall sense of well-being at optimal levels.

However, when testosterone levels fall too low or rise too high, it can lead to a range of health problems and unpleasant symptoms. 

That’s why it’s important to understand the role of testosterone in the body and how to maintain optimal levels.

In this blog, we’ll dive in to explore what does testosterone do for both men and women, how to maintain healthy levels, and what to do if you suspect an imbalance. 

So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn all about what testosterone can do for you.


What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone produced by both males and females, although it is typically thought of as a male hormone. 

But what is testosterone in males? And is it any different for females, or is the job the same in both bodies?

In males, testosterone is produced primarily by the testicles, while in females, it is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands.

Testosterone levels in males are typically 7-8 times higher than in females, as they require it more for their developmental characteristics.

Normal testosterone levels for adult males range from 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL), while in females, the normal range is much lower, typically between 15 and 70 ng/dL. 

The hormone levels are highest in males during puberty and young adulthood and decline gradually with age, although the rate of decline can vary widely.

This process works similarly among females, but the level of testosterone during puberty among women is comparatively lower than among men.

Overall the production of testosterone plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of male and female health.

Any interference in the process of its secretion can lead to a deficiency causing serious ups and downs among both genders.

To understand these ups and downs, it’s first important to know how the body produces testosterone.


How is Testosterone Made?

The production of testosterone begins in the brain, specifically in an area called the hypothalamus. 

The hypothalamus produces a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). It signals the pituitary gland to release two other hormones: luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).

Once released, LH travels to the testicles in males and stimulates the Leydig cells, which are responsible for producing testosterone. In females, LH stimulates the ovaries to produce small amounts of testosterone.

The production of testosterone is regulated by a complex feedback system. 

When testosterone levels are low, the hypothalamus signals the pituitary gland to release more LH, which in turn stimulates the Leydig cells to produce more testosterone. 

But when testosterone levels are high, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland reduce their production of GnRH, LH, and FSH, which decreases testosterone production.

Moreover, several factors can affect testosterone production, including age, stress, obesity, and certain medical conditions. 

As men age, testosterone production naturally declines, which can lead to a range of symptoms, including decreased libido, fatigue, and reduced muscle mass.

Stress and obesity can also hurt testosterone production. High levels of stress can lead to increased production of cortisol, which can inhibit testosterone production. 

Similarly, obesity can lead to increased production of estrogen, which can also inhibit testosterone production. Certain medical conditions can also affect testosterone production. 

For example, hypogonadism is a condition in which the testicles do not produce enough testosterone and can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, injury, and certain medical treatments.

Similar to men, testosterone in females also plays an important role, and its low level can have negative effects on the body. 

In the following section, we’ll explore what does testosterone do for females and how it affects various aspects of their health.


What Does Testosterone Do for Women?

 While most of you are aware of the importance of testosterone for men, what you don’t know is that it could be equally important for women.

Testosterone is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands in women, and plays a critical role in a variety of bodily functions:

#1. Maintaining Healthy Bones

One of the most important functions of testosterone in women is to maintain healthy bones.

Testosterone helps to increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a condition that causes bones to become brittle and more prone to fractures.


#2. Supporting Muscle Mass

Testosterone also plays a key role in maintaining muscle mass and strength in women.

Women with higher levels of testosterone tend to have more muscle mass and less body fat, which can help to improve overall physical performance and reduce the risk of obesity-related health problems.


#3. Improves Mental Health

In addition to its physical effects, testosterone also plays a role in women’s mental health. 

One study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that women with higher levels of testosterone had lower levels of depression and anxiety compared to women with lower levels of testosterone


#4. Maintaining Sexual Health

Testosterone also plays a role in women’s sexual health. Higher levels of testosterone are associated with increased sexual desire and arousal, as well as improved sexual satisfaction.

However, it’s important to note that any imbalance in testosterone levels can have negative health effects too.

Hence, it’s important to be aware of what does testosterone do when its levels are not maintained in your body.


Effects of High and Low Testosterone on The Female Body

Imbalance in testosterone levels among women can have varying effects on the body, hence to understand these effects, we divide the section in two:


Signs of Low Testosterone Among Women

Low testosterone levels appear to show the opposite effects as healthy levels:

#1. Low Libido: Women with low levels of testosterone may experience a decrease in sexual desire and satisfaction.

A study conducted to examine the relationship between testosterone and sexual functions in women showed that – women with low levels of testosterone show lower libido and sexual functions as compared to those with higher levels of testosterone.


#2. Changes in body composition: Testosterone helps to regulate body fat distribution. Women with low testosterone may experience an increase in body fat, particularly in the abdominal area.


#3. Decreased muscle mass and bone density: Testosterone helps to build and maintain muscle mass and bone density. Women with low testosterone may experience a decrease in muscle mass, strength, and bone density, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that women with low testosterone levels had decreased muscle mass and bone density compared to women with normal testosterone levels.


#4. Mood changes: Testosterone affects mood and emotional well-being in both men and women. Women with low testosterone may experience mood swings, irritability, or depression.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that women with low testosterone levels were more likely to report symptoms of depression compared to women with normal testosterone levels.


#5. Fatigue: Testosterone also plays a role in energy levels and fatigue. Women with low testosterone may feel tired even with adequate sleep.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that women with low testosterone levels were more likely to report fatigue and decreased energy levels compared to women with normal testosterone levels.

 On the other hand, the effects of testosterone when present in excess can result in the hyper development of certain characteristics among women.


Signs of High Testosterone Among Women

#1. Acne: Testosterone stimulates sebum production, which can lead to clogged pores and acne. Women with high testosterone may experience acne on the face, chest, or back.

#2. Irregular periods: Testosterone can interfere with the production and regulation of estrogen and progesterone, which can lead to irregular periods, missed periods, or no periods at all.

A study published found that women with high testosterone levels were more likely to have irregular menstrual cycles compared to women with normal testosterone levels.

 #3. Excess hair growth: Testosterone is responsible for the growth of body hair in both men and women. Women with high testosterone may experience excess hair growth on the face, chest, or back.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that high levels of testosterone were associated with excess hair growth in women.

 #4. Deepening of The Voice: Testosterone can cause the vocal cords to thicken, leading to a deeper voice. Women with high testosterone may notice a deepening of their voices.

 #5. Mood Changes: High testosterone levels can lead to mood swings, irritability, or even aggression.

A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that women with high testosterone levels were more likely to report symptoms of anxiety and irritability compared to women with normal testosterone levels.

While there are some similarities in the effects of high and low testosterone levels between men and women, there are also notable differences that highlight the importance of understanding how testosterone affects each gender differently.


What Does Testosterone Do To A Man?

Testosterone is the primary male hormone and is thus responsible for a lot of major roles in the body.

#1. Sexual Function

Testosterone is essential for men’s sexual health. It helps to maintain sex drive and erectile function and plays a crucial role in sperm production. Low testosterone levels can lead to a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction.


#2. Muscle Mass and Strength

Testosterone is known to stimulate muscle growth and increase muscle strength, making it essential for maintaining healthy body composition.

But what does testosterone do for muscle growth?

Well, It stimulates protein synthesis in the muscles, which leads to the formation of new muscle tissue.

Additionally, testosterone helps to increase muscle size and strength by promoting the growth of muscle fibers. 


#3. Bone Density

Testosterone is important for maintaining strong and healthy bones. It stimulates bone mineralization, which helps to strengthen the bones and prevent fractures.

Low testosterone levels can lead to a decrease in bone density, which can increase the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures.


#4. Mood and Cognition

Testosterone is thought to play a role in men’s mental health, with studies suggesting that low levels of testosterone may be associated with an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline.


#5. Red Blood Cell Production

Testosterone stimulates the production of red blood cells, which are essential for carrying oxygen throughout the body.

Low testosterone levels can lead to a decrease in red blood cell production, which can cause fatigue and other symptoms.

While the functions of testosterone among men seem quite similar to women, the signs of imbalance that testosterone shows among men are far more severe and noticeable.


Signs of Low Testosterone Among Men

#1. Low Libido: Testosterone is responsible for sex drive in men, so low levels of the hormone can lead to a decreased desire for sex.

#2. Erectile Dysfunction: Testosterone is also needed for maintaining erections, so low levels of the hormone can lead to difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.

According to a study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research, low testosterone levels are associated with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction.

#3. Fatigue and Decreased Energy Levels: Low testosterone levels can cause fatigue, decreased energy levels, and a decrease in physical stamina.

A study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that testosterone replacement therapy improved energy levels in men with low testosterone levels.

#4. Decreased Muscle Mass and Strength: Testosterone is an important hormone for muscle growth and development. Men with low testosterone levels may experience a decrease in muscle mass and strength.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that testosterone replacement therapy improved muscle mass and strength in men with low testosterone levels.

#5. Increased Body Fat: Low testosterone levels can lead to an increase in body fat, particularly in the abdominal area.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that testosterone replacement therapy reduced body fat in men with low testosterone levels.

#6. Mood Changes: Testosterone plays a role in regulating mood, so low levels of the hormone can lead to depression, irritability, and other mood changes.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that low testosterone levels were associated with increased anxiety and depression symptoms in men. 

While low levels of testosterone are normally associated with a decline in regular performance, high levels of testosterone are often confused with healthy testosterone levels.

For example, you will find plenty of queries on does testosterone increase size when it’s taken at high levels.

But contrary to all such beliefs, high levels of testosterone in men can be equally negative.


Signs of High Testosterone in a Man

#1. Aggressiveness: High testosterone levels have been linked to increased aggressive behavior in men. 

A study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior found that men with higher levels of testosterone were more likely to exhibit dominant and aggressive behaviors than men with lower levels of testosterone.

#2. Acne: Testosterone is known to stimulate the production of sebum, an oily substance that can clog pores and lead to acne breakouts.

Men with high levels of testosterone may experience more severe or frequent acne outbreaks.

 #3. Hair loss: While testosterone is often associated with hair growth, high levels of testosterone can contribute to hair loss in men.

Testosterone when converts into a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), can cause hair follicles to shrink and produce thinner, weaker hair.

#4. Mood Swings: Testosterone plays a role in regulating mood and emotions, and high levels of testosterone can lead to mood swings, irritability, and aggression. 

A study published in the journal Biological Psychiatry found that men with higher levels of testosterone were more likely to experience mood swings and irritability than men with lower levels of testosterone.

#5. Reduced Sperm Count: While testosterone is necessary for sperm production, excessively high levels of testosterone can suppress the production of sperm. 

A study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility found that men with high levels of testosterone had lower sperm counts and reduced sperm motility compared to men with normal testosterone levels.

Hence, looking at the deep changes that a hormonal imbalance in the levels of testosterone can bring in your body, Maintaining healthy testosterone levels is crucial for both men and women.


How do Maintain Testosterone Levels?

There are two steps to maintaining testosterone levels:

  • First is to know how to prevent the existing testosterone levels from dropping.
  • And secondly, quickly note down all the points on how to increase testosterone levels as soon as you see the slightest sign of dipping testosterone.

But the question persists of what to do for healthy testosterone levels.

Well, here is the plan with three key points to take care of.


#1. Diet for Testosterone

While many factors can affect testosterone levels, such as age, genetics, and lifestyle choices, diet plays a significant role in regulating testosterone production.

What you eat and what goes out of the platter synergistically decide whether your testosterone levels see a quick dip with age, or whether the decline slows down to let you enjoy some more time.

Hence, adding some  testosterone-boosting foods and diet tips can be the easiest way to maintain healthy testosterone levels for quite some time:

  • Include healthy fats in your diet: Healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids and monounsaturated fats, help in the production of testosterone. Foods such as fish, nuts, seeds, avocados, and olive oil are rich sources of healthy fats.
  • Consume an adequate amount of protein: Adequate protein intake is necessary for the production of testosterone. Foods such as chicken, eggs, fish, and lean beef are good sources of protein.
  • Eat foods rich in zinc: Zinc is essential for the production of testosterone. Foods such as oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, and nuts are rich in zinc.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin D: Vitamin D is crucial for testosterone production. Foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and mushrooms are good sources of vitamin D.
  • Avoid processed foods and excess sugar: Processed foods and excess sugar can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance, which can negatively impact testosterone levels.
  • Avoid excessive alcohol consumption: Drinking too much alcohol can negatively impact testosterone levels, so it’s important to drink in moderation or avoid alcohol altogether.

Remember, a balanced diet is key to maintaining healthy testosterone levels. By incorporating a variety of whole foods and nutrients into your diet, you can help support optimal testosterone production.

Several studies have shown that following a healthy diet can positively impact testosterone levels.

A study published in the Journal of Urology found that men who followed a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains had higher testosterone levels than those who consumed a Western-style diet.

Regular exercise is another crucial component of a healthy lifestyle that can help to maintain and even boost testosterone levels.


#2. Exercises for Healthy Testosterone Levels

 Exercise is an important factor in maintaining testosterone levels in men. Several studies have found that regular exercise can help increase testosterone production and improve overall physical health.

Weightlifting and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) boost testosterone

Resistance training through weightlifting can increase muscle mass, which proves its link with higher testosterone levels.

HIIT workouts, which involve short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by periods of rest, have also been found to increase testosterone production.

Other types of exercise that can be beneficial for testosterone levels include aerobic exercise such as running, cycling, and swimming. 

These exercises can improve cardiovascular health and help reduce body fat, which is important since excess body fat can contribute to low testosterone levels.

In addition to specific exercises, it’s important to maintain an active lifestyle overall.

Even small changes such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going for a daily walk can help improve physical health and maintain testosterone levels.

While exercise is a key component in maintaining healthy testosterone levels, it’s important to remember that over-exercising can have the opposite effect. 

Studies have found that excessive exercise can lead to lower testosterone levels and decreased muscle mass. It’s important to find a balance and not overdo it with exercise.

While exercises and diet usually help in preventing the decline in testosterone levels, and giving it a slow boost, there is one such solution that can actively shoot up your T-levels.


#3. Natural Testosterone Boosters

 One way to boost testosterone levels naturally is through the use of natural testosterone boosters.

These are supplements made with natural ingredients that are known to promote testosterone production.

The benefits of natural testosterone boosters go beyond just increasing testosterone levels. Here are some of the key benefits of using natural testosterone boosters:

  • Increased Muscle Mass: Testosterone is crucial for building and maintaining muscle mass. Natural testosterone boosters containing ingredients like D-Aspartic Acid and Tribulus Terrestris. These ingredients are proven to promote muscle growth and strength.
  • Improved Energy and Stamina: Testosterone is responsible for regulating energy levels and improving stamina. Natural testosterone boosters containing ingredients like Zinc and Magnesium can help increase energy levels and endurance.
  • Better Mood and Cognitive Function: Low testosterone levels can negatively impact mood and cognitive function. Natural testosterone boosters with Ashwagandha and Fenugreek can improve mood and cognitive function as well.
  • Increased Libido: Testosterone is the primary hormone responsible for sex drive. Natural testosterone boosters containing ingredients like Horny Goat Weed and Maca Root can help improve libido and sexual performance.

When choosing a natural testosterone booster, it’s important to look for ingredients that have been scientifically proven to increase testosterone levels.

key Ingredients to Look For in Natural Testosterone Boosters

  • D-Aspartic Acid: This amino acid increases testosterone levels by up to 42% in some studies. It also promotes muscle growth and strength.
  • Tribulus Terrestris: The herb increases testosterone levels by up to 16% in some studies. It also promotes muscle growth and strength.
  • Zinc: It is essential for testosterone production and as per studies, can also boost testosterone levels in men with zinc deficiency.
  • Magnesium: This mineral is important for energy production and uplifts t-levels in men who exercise regularly.
  • Ashwagandha: It improves mood and cognitive function, as well as increases testosterone levels.
  • Fenugreek: Scientifically proven to accelerate testosterone production and improve libido.
  • Horny Goat Weed: Enhances libido and sexual performance.
  • Maca Root: Brings drastic differences in the male hormone and sexual performance.

Incorporating natural testosterone boosters into your daily routine, along with regular exercise and a healthy diet, can help optimize testosterone levels and promote overall health.

But the effects of natural testosterone boosters take time to show as there isn’t any magic testosterone food that can reverse declining testosterone in one-time use.

 On the off chance, that none of these ways work to restore your testosterone levels or reverse the signs of an imbalance, it’s finally time to visit the doctor for a proper diagnosis.


Diagnosis and Treatment

 The diagnosis of testosterone imbalance involves a series of tests to measure the levels of testosterone in the blood. 

A blood test called a serum testosterone test is the most common method for testing testosterone levels. 

This test measures the total amount of testosterone in the blood, as well as the amount of free testosterone, which is the amount of testosterone that is not bound to proteins in the blood. 

If the results of the blood test show low levels of testosterone, additional tests may require to perform to determine the underlying cause of the imbalance.

There are several medical conditions associated with testosterone imbalance, including hypogonadism, which is the medical term for low testosterone levels. 

Hypogonadism is the result of a variety of factors, including genetic disorders, injury or infection of the testes, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and certain medications. 

Other medical conditions that can cause testosterone imbalance include obesity, diabetes, and pituitary gland disorders.

Treatment for testosterone imbalance depends on the underlying cause of the imbalance. In cases of hypogonadism, testosterone replacement therapy may be prescribed to increase testosterone levels.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a medical treatment used to supplement testosterone levels in men with low levels of the hormone. 

It involves the administration of synthetic testosterone in various forms, including gels, patches, injections, and pellets.

TRT is typically prescribed to men who have low testosterone levels due to age, hypogonadism, or other medical conditions.

TRT is generally safe when prescribed and monitored by a qualified healthcare provider. However, like any medical treatment, it can have side effects, such as acne, mood swings, and an increased risk of blood clots. 

It is important to discuss the potential risks and benefits of TRT with a healthcare provider.

Testosterone has a much wider reputation than just being the anabolic hormone with muscle-building benefits. Both men and women need proper testosterone levels for optimal functioning of the body.