9 Best Exercises/Stretches for Sciatica Nerve Pain Relief: How to Get Rid?

Sciatica Pain Affects Nearly 5% of Adults!

Nonetheless, performing exercises for sciatica pain can be beneficial.

The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve that goes from your gluteal area to your feet. Performing some workout can injure or irritate the nerve. This develops into Sciatica pain.

However, the right treatment can control as well as improve the problem. It involves a progressive exercise program addressing the underlying cause factor to relieve the ache.

As said, for effective treatment knowing the triggering factor is important. It will help relieve the pain properly and quickly.

This article covers the top best exercises for sciatica pain and how long it takes to get rid of it. First, let’s understand what it is in the first place.


What is Sciatica Pain?

The brief introduction must have given you some idea.

A nerve goes down from your buttock to your feet. This is called the sciatic nerve. Performing certain workouts or lacking the technique to do specific exercises can trigger the nerve.

Either it irritates or inflames; in the worst situation, it can get damaged too. It can get compressed in your lower back.

In general, the commonest cause of sciatica pain is slipped disk resulting in pressure on the nerve root. The pain gets better over time. However, you may require self-care and even treatments.

As said, the nerve goes from your hip to your feet. So, you will feel the pain behind your knee, your lower legs, and even the bottom of your feet.

People often confuse this pain with issues in leg tissue. Nonetheless, sciatica has nothing to do with your muscle mass. The main cause is mostly a herniated disk or slipped disk.

The intervertebral disk is muscle tissue appearing like soft cushions. They remain in between the space of the vertebrae of your spine. The disk slips when you displace it and pushes the intervertebral discs out of your spine.

Indeed, it causes pressure on the sciatic nerve resulting in pain. Sometimes, other factors can contribute to sciatica never pain. This includes infection, other injuries, and even tumors. Certain groups of people are at high risk of getting the problem.


9 Most Common Risk Factors for Sciatica Pain

Some people are more at risk to get sciatica pain than others. This can happen for lots of other reasons. Surprisingly, the problem makes almost 5% of adults suffer.

The causing factor can differ from person to person. This can make it difficult to pinpoint the root cause. Still, some groups are more likely to get issues.

The following factors can put one at high risk for Sciatica:


#1: Old Age

With age, the human body loses its natural flexibility. On one side, it makes you prone to injuries. On the other hand, it delays the processes of healing. Back pain is the most common body ache related to age. Indeed, it is in close proximity to sciatica. In such a case, sciatica stretches are extremely helpful.


#2: Medical History of Lower Back Pain

If you have previously suffered from low back pain, you are likely to develop sciatica. Various studies have established this claim.

The science is simple. Low back pain can cause inflammation in your spine as well as the lumbar region. Of course, the high chances are that it can expand to the sciatic nerve if ignored.


#3: Chain Smoking

We can agree on this point, smoking affects your overall health. It isn’t your lungs only. Smoking can elevate the risk of back pain. It can even increase the risk of sciatica. Smoking triggers inflammation while lessening your blood circulation.

On top of that, it weakens your immune system. Also, your body has a tough time maintaining body function which reduces the healing rate for injuries.


#4: Obesity

Obesity isn’t bad for your overall health; it even makes you prone to different body aches. This includes musculoskeletal problems, back pain, and even sciatica.

According to studies obese or overweight participants who were exposed to whole-body vibrations were at an increased risk of sciatica.

The study further concludes, that the risk of hospitalization was higher among overweight people and those lifting or carrying heavy objects. Losing weight can help but for quick results try to exercise for sciatica pain in buttock.


#5: Poor Health

A healthy diet and regular workout aren’t mandatory for a fit body, good appearance, or feeling good. It can lessen your chances of getting sciatic pain. Moreover, it can lessen the encounters of inflammation.

Overall well-being enhances your flexibility, whereas poor health affects your activeness and health. In short, if you stay active, your chances of getting back pain would be less. you can try sciatic nerve exercises to treat the problem.


#6: Sleep Issues

Sleep pattern determines your overall health. quality sleep provides your body with adequate rest. This reduces the chances of body aches. On the contrary, if you have certain sleep issues, you are at a higher risk of getting back pain and sciatica.

If you are already suffering from one, it will only aggravate. In contrast, sufficient sleep reduces your back issues. You can try stretches for sciatica pain to reduce it.


#7: Workplace Injuries

The workplace might seem a less vulnerable place to getting an injury. However, remaining inactive for a long duration or performing the same movements repetitively elevates the risk of developing back issues.

Here are some situations which increase the risk of developing sciatic pain

  1. staying still in one position for a long duration
  2. standing for a long duration
  3. walking for several hours
  4. entire body vibration
  5. kneeling or pulling for more than 15 minutes in a go

To avoid sciatic pain in these situations, it is necessary to pause in between in your work. Take frequent breaks, rest, stretch and get back to work.


#8: Direct Injury

As said. in the beginning, sciatica pain occurs due to multiple reasons. Some cases require additional attention. Sciatica pain can occur due to injury to your buttocks or hips.

If you have a habit of putting your bulky wallet in your back pockets, it can trigger sciatic pain. It can put pressure on the nerve. So, avoid it in the first place. Instead, perform some sciatica exercises.


#9: Psychological Distress

Psychological Distress affects your physical wellbeing. Studies have found a link between low back pain/Sciatica and mental pressure or being overwhelmed.

In other words, general stress or even repetitious work can exaggerate your musculoskeletal conditions. This can trigger or amplify nerve pain.

The above factors can put you at a higher risk of developing sciatica pain. If you fall in the above category, you need to get the treatment right away.

The right treatment at the right time reduces the possibility of the health problem. Let’s check out some sciatic nerve pain exercises.


Top 9 Best Exercises for Sciatica Pain Relief

People don’t know that exercises for sciatica leg pain can provide relief. In the long run, it can reduce the issue while completely eradicating it.

In this section, you’ll find the top best exercise for sciatica pain.


#1. Simple Seated Stretch

Here’s how to do a simple seated stretch:

  1. begin by sitting on a chair.
  2. Put your affected leg over the knee of the unaffected leg.
  3. You have to tilt your chest forward while keeping your back straight. If it doesn’t pain, bend your body to a greater length.
  4. You can repeat the best stretches for sciatica with another leg.

Though your other leg may not be affected, performing the workout does stretch your body. It will improve your flexibility.


#2. Outer Hip Piriformis Stretch

Here’s how to do outer hip piriformis stretch:

  1. Begin by lying down on your back. Tilt your affected leg upward while placing your foot to your buttock.
  2. Now, twist your bent leg to the opposite side. Meanwhile, when you twist, your knee should touch the floor.
  3. Your band should go on the opposite side of your knee while making a straight move in the air.
  4. Remain in the position for the next 20 seconds.
  5. Perform the move with another leg.

You should give the sufficient rest time to recover from sciatic nerve stretches. Lie down on the floor on your back. You have to bend your knees. Next, pull them to your chest.


#3. Supine Piriformis Stretch

Here’s how to do supine piriformis stretch:

  1. Lay down on your back. You have to bend your sore leg upwards.
  2. Now, put the affected leg over your other leg.
  3. Pull the other leg toward your chest.
  4. You need to keep pulling your legs until it is stretched properly.
  5. Stay in the position for the next 30 seconds to a minute.

You can switch your legs for proper stretching. Though it appears simple it is one of the best exercises for sciatica leg pain.


#4. Groin/Long Adductor Stretch

Here’s how to do groin/long adductor stretch:


  1. You need to sit on the ground while stretching your legs as far apart as possible.
  2. Put your hands in front of you. Bend your upper body forward to the floor.
  3. Bend forward while resting your elbows on the floor.
  4. If it pains, stop the move immediately. Or, else stay in the position for the next 10-20 seconds.

It is good stretching for immediate relief for sciatica pain. However, due to the expanded legs, people with sufficient flexibility can perform the move.


#5. Inner Thigh/Short Adductor Stretch

Here’s how to do inner thigh/short adductor stretch:

  1. Begin sitting on the ground while keeping your legs bent and your feet together in front of your pelvis.
  2. You should grasp your ankles with your opposite hands. For instance, hold your left ankle with your right hand and vice versa.
  3. Now, drop your knees downward as if wanting to touch the floor with them. If pain occurs, abort the move. Drop your knees to the safe limit.
  4. Stay in the position for the next 30 seconds. Release. Move your legs a little bit post-exercise.

Again, this is one of the sciatica exercises to avoid if you don’t have good flexibility. Most would find it tough to get in the initial position.


#6. Hip Extension 

Here’s how to do hip extension stretch:

  1. Using all fours, get down on the ground. Make use of your hands and knees.
  2. Uplift your legs toward your chest.
  3. Stretch the leg upward to the ceiling as much as possible.
  4. Slowly lower down your leg till it is nearly touching the floor.
  5. Repeat the moves 15 times.

This is one of the simplest exercises for sciatica pain. If you are a beginner, you get ahead with it. Also, it is one of the best stretches exercises for sciatica pain for seniors.


#7. Side-Lying Clam 

Here’s how to do a side-lying stretch:

  1. You have to lie down on the side of your body that isn’t affected by the sciatica pain.
  2. Bend your legs back while keeping your foot over each other. Meanwhile. Your legs should stay parallel or over each other making an “L” shape.
  3. While keeping your feet together, raise your top knee upward. Your body should stay in the initial position.
  4. Now, you should bring your knees to your posture in the beginning.
  5. Do the move for the next 15 minutes.

Again, it is a simple workout for immediate relief for sciatica pain. You can even add it to your regular workout for stretching.


#8. Standing Piriformis Stretch

Here’s how to do standing piriformis stretch:

  1. Begin in a standing position. You have to place the leg with pain over the other pain. It should make a shape like 4.
  2. Now, bend your hips at a 45-degree angle until they reach the ground. You can even bend your knees for better movement.
  3. Meanwhile, you should bend your waist forward. Your arms should move downward while your back should stay straight.
  4. Stay in the position for 30-60 seconds.
  5. Do the move with another leg as well.

Be careful while bending your hips. Also, only stick to the position for as long as you can.


#9. Buttock Stretch for Piriformis Muscles

Here’s how to do buttock stretch for piriformis muscles:

  1. Get on all your fours by placing your knees and hands on the ground.
  2. Now try to bring the affected leg under your stomach
  3. Twist it around the opposite side near the hip and keep your knee pointing towards the shoulder.
  4. Lower your head and touch the ground with your forehead. Meanwhile, lean your forearms on the ground for support.
  5. Slowly stretch the non-affected leg out behind you and keep the pelvis area straight
  6. Push your hips a little towards the floor.
  7. Hold it for 30 seconds and repeat it 2-3 times.

If you find it tough to complete the move, use a chair or wall on the side of the affected leg. Keep it at a 24-inch distance. Extra support will make the move easier.

These exercises for sciatica pain with pictures provide a clear idea of how to execute the move. Performing them regularly can reduce the pain. Moreover, it can even permanently resolve the issue of sciatica pain.

Exercises for sciatica pain do resolve the problem. It is an effective self-care treatment for the problem. However, the question is how much time will it take to get rid of it.


How Long Does It Take to Heal Sciatica?

Sciatica pain occurs due to damage, irritation, or inflammation in the sciatic nerve. It mainly affects your lower back, the backside of your legs, knees, buttocks, and the bottom of your foot.

In general, sciatica self-resolves. So, you don’t really require treatment or specialized care. Still, maintaining good posture and performing workouts light and stretching regularly can help.

Usually, sciatica pain gets better within 4–6 weeks, but it can last for a longer duration. In case, if you suffer from severe sciatica pain or it lasts for more than 6 weeks, it may be a warning sign. Even after this period, if it doesn’t get improved, you need specialized care.

Doctors generally suggest natural recovery from the problem. They won’t advise medication or treatment unless it lasts for 12 months. Or, the sciatica pain is unbearable

This was all about sciatica pain and exercise to reduce it. At last, let’s wrap up the discussion.

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Let’s Wrap Up

Injury during workouts is a common problem. However, pain in certain parts is excruciating. Sciatica pain doesn’t affect severely.

Some can face extreme aches, which can affect their daily life. Though the problem self-resolves over a short duration, sometimes it can take time. In such a case, you require specialized care.

Broadly speaking exercises for sciatica pain is a great way to resolve the lower pack problem. You can perform the listed stretches and workouts to lessen the problem.