10 Best Tight Hamstring Stretches for Flexibility and Back Pain

Stretch Tight Hamstrings while Seated to Improve Flexibility!

A Tight Hamstring is a Curse to Your Fitness.

It can trigger injuries and makes working out and athletic performance challenging.

“You finally feel motivated to make a change in your lifestyle. So, you start with the workout you have saved from Instagram. You begin with a warm-up and next do the planks, squats, and push-ups.

Finally, you end the session with meditation. You felt refreshed, sweaty, and rejuvenated, and share your workout mode on Instagram. The next day you can’t even move your thighs and wake up with immense back pain. What’s behind it? Your hammies maybe.”

Thankfully, performing beginner-level hamstring stretches for flexibility and back pain can resolve the problem. Find out more here…

Hamstrings are a large group of muscles that run across your hips and knee joints. Located at the back of your legs, hamstring muscles are responsible for walking, running, jumping, and other movements.

Does it mean tight hamstrings affect your workout?

Of course. You can’t perform any leg exercise without the use of muscle tissue and your back. It becomes important to have flexible legs and back to benefit from leg workouts.

This article covers every important detail of tight leg muscle. Also, it shares some hamstring stretches for flexibility.


What Causes Tight Hamstrings? 

causes of tight hamstring

Tight hamstrings are a common problem it limits hamstring mobility affecting different moves. You can get a tight hamstring because of many reasons. In such cases, hamstring flexibility exercises can help.

Knowing the main cause behind tight hamstring can resolve the problem effectively.

#1. Injury

People are prone to injury during workouts and playing sports. Of course, hamstring tightness can occur due to bodily injury.

Pushing your muscles beyond the limit while playing or working out can cause a tear in your hamstring muscles. If you repeatedly get injured, be cautious. It makes you more vulnerable to hammies tightening.


#2. Excessive Exercise

To get quick results, people often work out for longer hours than usual. To do so, they train some body parts more than others. Or, they even make their workouts intense.

This leads to muscle overuse causing tightened hamstrings. In fact, putting too much strain on your hammies can cause tight hamstrings.


#3. Not Enough Exercise

People at times don’t keep themselves active enough. They don’t do sufficient workouts. Or, they simply exclude leg days. This does affect the mobility of the hamstring and leg muscles.

In short, you need to maintain an adequate workout focusing on different body parts. It can be possible by planning your workout routine properly.


#4. Improper Rest

Sometimes people don’t rest properly. Or they train even on rest days. Though it appears powerful at that instance, in the long run, it is bad.

It doesn’t provide your hammies the window to recover leading to chronically tight hamstrings. Henceforth, it affects its flexibility. You have to suffer from the consequences of a tight hamstring.

These are the main trigger for tight hamstrings. Although they are not a cause of concern, you need to resolve your leg muscles to kick start your workouts and athletic performance.

However, why is it important to maintain hamstring flexibility and to do hamstring stretches for flexibility?

Let’s find out.


Importance of Hamstring Flexibility 

Though at the surface level, if you find hamstring of no importance, you don’t know anything.

The hamstring is a crucial part of your leg muscles. Thus, it can train your leg or break your leg. Kidding!

Here’s why flexible Hamstrings are important:

  • Well-functioning joints and muscles reduce the chances of injury.
  • Flexible hamstrings make it easier to perform different kinds of moves.
  • In terms of workouts, where legs remain static, a flexible hamstring can offer great support.
  • Makes intense workouts accessible.
  • Flexible hamstrings improve the performance of athletes.

These are the key importance of maintaining flexible legs.

However, how to do that?

Well, doing some hamstring stretches for flexibility can help.


Top 10 Best Hamstring Stretches for Flexibility [Beginner-Friendly]

The best way to increase the functioning of the legs is by adding hamstring mobility exercises and hamstring dynamic stretch.

Here are the top 10 best hamstring stretches to improve flexibility and back pain.

#1. Rotating Toe Touch

#2. Standing Toe Touch

#3. Extended Triangle Pose

#4. Standing Hamstring Stretch

#5. Seated Hamstring Stretch

#6. Lying Hamstring Stretch with Band

#7. Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch

#8. Downward Facing Dog

#9. Lunging Hamstring Stretch

#1o. Seated Wide-Leg Hamstring Stretch

Now let’s find out how to do these stretches.


#1. Rotating Toe Touch

  • Begin with a standing position with your feet width apart. Your arms should extend out at your sides at the height of your shoulder.
  • While your legs remain straight and your arms in your line, you need to rotate your torso. Bring your right arm to your left ankle until you feel a stretch in the back of your left leg.
  • Remain in the posture for half a minute. Get back to initial posture.
  • Now repeat the same on the opposite side.


#2. Standing Toe Touch

  • Begin with keeping your feet at hip-width apart. You have to bend your upper body at your hips to touch your toes with both hands.
  • You can touch the ground if possible, if not, it is ok. Only stretch as far as possible.
  • Stretch your hands above your head when you breathe in. You can lower your hand further to the floor as you exhale. This would increase the stretch of your hamstring.
  • Remain in the position for half a minute. Get back to initial posture. Repeat.


#3. Extended Triangle Pose

  • You have to begin with your legs at your hip distance. You need to extend your right leg out to make your foot face outward.
  • Extend your arms outward keeping them at shoulder altitude. Move your upper body to the right while taking your right arm to the right foot as per your flex provides accessibility.
  • Stay in the position for 10 to 30 seconds. Start with the initial position. Repeat the move on the other side.


#4. Standing Hamstring Stretch

  • Again begin in a standing posture with your feet at hip distance. Put your right heel in front of you while your foot remains flexible and tones point upward. You can bend your left knee slightly.
  • You have to bend forward by putting your hands on your right calf or thigh to stretch the back of your leg.
  • Maintain the position for 10 to 30 seconds. Begin with the initial position. Repeat the move on the other side.


#5. Seated Hamstring Stretch

  • You need to sit while keeping your legs extending in front of you.
  • Bring your arms forward to feel the stretch in the back of your hamstring. During the entire Static hamstring stretch ensures your legs completely remain on the floor.
  • Stay in the posture for 10 to 30 seconds. Get back to initial posture. Repeat the Passive hamstring stretch.
 Note: if you don’t know there are two basic types of stretches dynamic and static. Check this blog on dynamic vs static stretching to know more. 


#6. Seated Single-Leg Hamstring Stretch

  • You need to begin in a sitting posture. Your right leg should extend out while your left leg should bend while touching your right thigh.
  • Keeping your spine straight lower your upper body until the back of your legs stretches. During the entire move, your leg should touch the floor.
  • Maintain the posture for 10 to 30 seconds. Get back to initial posture. Repeat on the opposite side.


#7. Lying Hamstring Stretch with Band

  • Lay down on your back on the ground. Wrap a resistance band on your right foot. You can use a towel instead. Or, use your hands to pull your thighs.
  • Gradually stretch your right leg upward while keeping your left leg on the ground. Your knees should remain straight.
  • Extend as much as possible until your hamstring stretches.
  • Stay in the posture for 10 to 30 seconds. Get back to the initial position. Repeat the move on the other side.


#8. Downward Facing Dog

  • You should begin the hamstring stretch by getting on your fours. You should keep your knees at a distance from your shoulders while your hands should remain below your shoulders.
  • Put pressure on the back of your knees to straighten while uplifting your butt in the air upward.
  • Meanwhile, maintain your spine, neck, and head in a straight line as you press back. Do this until you feel stretched in the back of your legs? Move your feet out until your stretch increases.
  • Stay in the position for 10 to 30 seconds. Get back to the initial position. Repeat the move.


#9. Lunging Hamstring Stretch

  • Begin in a standing position. Your feet should remain at hip distance. Lunge outward using your right leg while lowering until the back knee touches the floor.
  • Meanwhile, you should straighten your right leg and maintain your hips in the air until you feel your hamstring stretch.
  • Maintain the posture for 10 to 30 seconds. Return to initial posture. Repeat the move with another leg.


#10. Seated Wide-Leg Hamstring Stretch

  • Begin in a sitting position keeping your legs straight out in opposite direction.
  • Bend forward at your hips or back. Extend your arms forward until the back of your leg stretches. Meanwhile, your legs should remain touching the floor. While you breathe out, extend your hands out to intensify the stretch.
  • Maintain the posture for 10 to 30 seconds. Get back to early posture. Repeat the hamstring stretches for flexibility.


These are the top 10 beginner-level hamstring stretches for flexibility. You need to add them to your daily workout regime.

Or, you can begin your daily fitness regime by using these stretches as a warm-up. Indeed, it will Increase hamstring flexibility.

Interestingly, apart from these, you can also try some other ways to relax your tight hamstrings.


5 Ways to Keep Hamstrings Flexible

The causes of tight hamstrings are vast and so are the ways to get rid of them. In case you aren’t into workouts and stretching, you can try other ways to keep your hamstrings flexible.

You need to participate in these activities to improve hamstring flexibility.

Here’s how to get flexible hamstrings:


#1. Yoga

Yoga has some of the best hamstrings stretches for beginners. If you are not a workout enthusiast, you can simply perform some yoga asanas and maintain flexible hamstrings. Also, if you are a beginner at stretching, it’s better to start with yoga stretches.

For instance, you can try Parsvottonasana (Pyramid pose) and Anantasana (Sleeping Vishnu).


#2. Massage

Regular massing of your affected area with hot oil is beneficial. It reduces stress and strain in the affected area while relaxing it.

Of course, performing workouts become better.


#3. OTC pills

You can even try supplements to improve your hamstring. Some pills can work at a fundamental level to relax your hammies. You can try Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation.

Eventually, your hamstring mobility improves drastically.


#4. Hot or Cold Therapy

The application of a hot or cold pack can sometimes work as a quick relief. It can increase blood flow in the area.

It eventually improves muscle function. You can even take a warm bath or cold bath to unwind your strained muscle.


#5. Stay Active

Most struggle with low body flexibility or tight hammies due to inactive life. They stay for a long duration on their desk.

Of course, this naturally tightens your hamstring. Taking 5 minutes to walk here and there can resolve this problem. It even releases tight hammies.

Hamstring stretches work as quick relaxation every time and for everyone. Those who suffer from chronic tight hamstrings may need regular stretching along with professional guidance.

If you suffer from intense leg pain lasting for a long duration. You may need more than hamstring duration. It may be a sign of intense damage. In such a case, consult with the doctor immediately.

Our discussion on hamstring stretches for flexibility ends here.


The Last Stretch!

Hamstrings may make up a small part of your body. However, it’s a crucial part of your leg area. Almost every workout has some role in your legs.

Therefore, inflexible hamstrings can create havoc on your smoothly running workout routine. You will find it intensely difficult to perform normal workouts with a tight hamstring.

It becomes important to maintain a flexible leg to complete your workout program as well as your leg day. Performing different hamstring stretches for flexibility along with the tips mentioned above can be of great help.

Not only it’ll make your hamstring more flexible making workouts easier, but you’d be lesser prone to injury as well as muscle damage.

If you were ignoring your tight hamstrings and wondering, why can’t you do leg workouts easily, now you know the reason. Try these hamstring stretches for lower back pain and better mobility and lets us know your results in the comment section.

Also Read: How to Get Rid of Sore Muscles After a Workout?