10 Best Testosterone Boosting Food to Naturally Increase T-Level

There are foods that increase testosterone by 52%. That’s right! If you are dealing with a natural decline in testosterone hormone, you can revive it just by adding some specific foods to your everyday diet. These testosterone-boosting foods are backed with scientific evidence supporting the natural male hormone secretion.

testosterone boosting foods

The testosterone hormone is essential for the development of the masculine character in males.

For women, the production of this hormone is in very small amounts. Testosterone secretion in the body mainly depends on age; during childhood or adolescence (approx. 5-10) years T level increases about 30 times more.

However, once you reach the age of 30 years or more your body may see a 1% decline in the testosterone level.

Therefore, people start feeling the symptoms of low T like mood swings, poor bone health, muscle loss, hair loss, and obesity.

While most people aren’t even aware of what they are dealing with, others only think of testosterone replacement therapy as an option.

Nonetheless, there are natural ways to keep your testosterone level on track and one of them is adding testosterone-boosting foods to the diet.

These foods are easily available and most probably form part of your daily diet. However, you need to consume it in the specified quantity to have a significant effect on your testosterone levels.

We have made a list of 10 foods that boost your testosterone.


Testosterone Boosting Foods That Help You Boost T-Level

It shouldn’t be too hard to believe that there are certain foods that increase your natural testosterone production while there are also testosterone-killing foods.

As per a cross-sectional study on 3283 Taiwanese men, the testosterone-related dietary pattern was associated with poor testicular function.

As per the reports of the study, foods rich in preserved vegetables or processed meat or fish, deep-fried foods, innards organs, rice or flour products cooked in oil, and dipping sauce, but low in milk, dairy products, legumes, or beans, and dark or leafy vegetables have an adverse effect on the human testicular function.

Therefore, depending on such data and scientific proof, here’s a detailed list of testosterone boosting foods to add.

#1: Low-fat Milk

There is a phrase that “Milk makes our bones stronger”, and there is a perfect reason for this saying because it truly does! Milk is an outstanding source of vitamin D, calcium, and protein.

Along with this it is also helpful in boosting the Testosterone level and keeps testosterone in check for men with low levels.

Drinking the correct type of milk matters. Milk having low-fat counts and fortified with vitamin D is helpful in boosting the T level.

This type of milk has the same nutrient but the absence of saturated fat as pure milk.

#2: Cruciferous Vegetables 

The cruciferous vegetables are those relating to or denoting plants of the cabbage family (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Kale, Turnips, and Cabbage).

These vegetables are unique in the list because these vegetables don’t only boost the T level, but also lower the estrogen levels.

This transformation of the vegetable contents allows the body to regulate testosterone levels more easily.

Increased level of testosterone also helps you to regain muscle mass, lose weight, feel more energetic, and improve your sex drive.

#3: Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are a great source of vitamin D. Even eggs are a delicious source of breakfast to fit into your diet.

For the last two years, eggs have got a bad impression of being high in cholesterol, so people use to pass egg yolks and use egg whites.

However, eggs can increase testosterone levels. Nutrient contents are higher in egg yolks than in egg white and help to boost testosterone levels.

Unless or until you have high cholesterol, you can safely eat one to three eggs for breakfast every day.

#4: Fortified Cereals

Eggs aren’t the only breakfast material that can help the low testosterone level. A person having high cholesterol levels is not advised to eat egg yolks or look for a change in their breakfast meal.

Certain cereal brands are also fortified with vitamin D. It can be a good alternative for the person having low T as breakfast material.

These cereal brands are not only fortified with vitamin D but also healthy for the function of the human heart.

So add low-fat milk with the cereals for the extra intake of vitamin D and boost Testosterone levels.

#5: Pomegranates

Pomegranates are a good source of Testosterone Boosting Fruits. It is a refreshing citrus fruit.

Pomegranates are 100% effective for one who tries to stay healthy, energetic and to increase the testosterone levels.

Adding pomegranates is a healthy way to receive a dose of antioxidants and to improve the blood circulation of our body.

According to the study, Pomegranates can boost testosterone levels by 24% if you continue to add them to your diet. You can eat the pomegranate directly or can extract juice from them.

You can also include testosterone boosters with pomegranate extracts. Notably, there aren’t many effective t-boosting supplements with pomegranate in them.

As per the Testoprime official, the leading t-boosting supplement that includes 8mg of pomegranate extract with 40% ellagic acid in each serving. 


#6: Beans

Beans may offer more benefits than you think when it comes to male hormones’ health. Beans are also a great source of vitamin D and Zinc.

In addition, it is a plant-based protein that assists with heart health.

Baked beans are another good source of zinc and vitamin D, but for the intake of baked beans, you have to add some other sources as well.

#7: Tuna

Tuna is a type of fish that is rich in vitamin D and has been linked to a longer life and the production of testosterone levels.

It is also very much helpful for the heart. It is a food that is rich in protein and lower in calories.

Whether canned or fresh, eating this fish can boost your T-Level as natural testosterone supplements do. In fact, tuna is among such testosterone boosting foods that increase testosterone levels by 52%. 

Some other types of fish boosting testosterone levels are salmon and sardines.

#8: Oysters

Oysters increase testosterone levels because they are a rich source of zinc and protein which can fit into your diet easily and healthy too.

One oyster contains around 18 grams of protein and also contributes to the sufficient amount of zinc requirements of our body.

During puberty, Zinc is very much essential in the development of the male human body. It also keeps in check the testosterone level throughout adulthood.

If you’re taking daily oysters in your diet, your testosterone level will be balanced, and you will feel energetic and healthy.

NOTE: Testofuel is one of those effective testosterone boosters with oyster extract in it. It contains 100mg of oyster extract with each serving. The balanced level of other natural ingredients helps Testofuel boost your testosterone levels. This testosterone booster is even used by professionals. As per the Testofuel official website, Testofuel is used by Mr. Olympia master Robby Robinson.

Crabs and Lobster are other types of shellfish that are rich in Zinc contents. An occasional serving of these fish also increases the testosterone level. In most seafood, there is zinc content available, which makes it very much helpful for boosting the testosterone level.

#9: Beef

The Overconsumption of red meat led to real health concerns. Sometimes eating too much red meat also lead to certain cancers, such as colon cancer.

Still, in beef, there are some nutrients that can boost testosterone levels to a great instant. Beef liver is an exceptional source of vitamin D, while ground beef roast contains zinc.


#10. Honey

No this isn’t a joke! 

Honey is a natural testosterone-boosting food. Honey contains boron-a natural mineral found in foods and water sources.

Notably, boron boosts testosterone levels and it is proven through many scientific studies. By boosting testosterone levels, boron helps with strengthening bones and supports muscle growth.

This is the reason why most of the leading testosterone boosters contain enough boron to support testosterone production.

These were some of the testosterone-boosting foods that can be your secret to dealing with declining primary hormones as you hit your 30s.


The Bottom Line

To balance the testosterone level it is very much necessary to take these foods on a regular basis. Because these foods are rich in protein, vitamin D and Zinc as well. This helps our body to balance our testosterone levels.

These are not the Foods That Lower Testosterone but these Testosterone Boosting Foods will gradually increase your T-Level

I hope by reading this blog, you will get the perfect answer to the questions like how to increase testosterone levels naturally.