Healthy Foods to Stop Craving Sugar and Junk Foods Instantly

If you are struggling to get away from food cravings, you are definitely not alone.

Today, find out how to fight cravings with the top 15 healthiest foods!!

Well, it’s quite an obvious fact that we find comfort in the food that we eat. 

But this pandemic has increased the intensity of the cravings we get and the instant comfort we look for. 

Luckily, there are some possible measures that you can take or foods that you can rely on to fend off cravings. 

So many people out there have been battling through the same issue and finding their way out with the tips we will mention below.

Here we are with the list of these 15 foods and healthy snacks to stop cravings that you need to switch to right now!


How to Fight Cravings | [TOP 15] Healthy Foods to Stop Cravings

Wondering how to stop cravings when dieting or are you questioning how you can stop cravings in their tracks to successfully lose pounds?

Here’s the list of some of the most important food items that can help you find out how to fight cravings and stop overeating any time of the day. 

#1. Dates

You might find it shocking to know that dates can significantly reduce your cravings to an extent. 

Despite the fact that dates are rich in calories, they can help you in fending off hunger. 

Unlike sugar, the calories obtained from dates can be nutritious and healthy. The high soluble fiber content in dates can help you get rid of the sugar cravings. 

Moreover, dates are considered to be one of the best foods to curb sugar cravings

So, the next time you crave sugar, make sure to replace dates with white sugar. 


#2. Berries

If you want to know how to stop craving sweets at night, here’s your savior! 

Berries are an excellent source to put an end to sugar cravings. Like dates, they are also rich in fiber that ultimately makes them nutritional enough. 

In addition to that, berries are enriched with plant compounds that play a part in reducing cravings. 

Along with helping in alleviating cravings, berries can also help in keeping you away from some chronic diseases. 

So, all you need to do is start making it a habit of eating berries whenever you feel like craving sweets. It is, after all, one of the most healthy foods to stop cravings.


#3. Dark Chocolates 

As you might know, chocolates are the most common food that people eat when they crave something sugary.

However, if you have decided to eat chocolates anyway, make sure you go for dark ones! 

Dark chocolates are way healthier than normal ones. 

There are some plant compounds named polyphenols that are found in dark chocolates. 

Some studies have revealed that these polyphenols can improve your heart health.

But you can only fight cravings without gaining weight when you know how to eat chocolates.

However, you need to have self-control and stop eating some squares of dark chocolates as excessive intake is not good.  


#4. Frozen Grapes

Frozen grapes are easily one of the best foods to curb sugar cravings. Without being filled with added sugar, they are naturally sweet. 

They are also one of the most healthy snacks to stop sugar cravings as compared to other snacks as they are the source of hydration and fiber. 

Freezing the grapes can even make them taste better. Moreover, frozen grapes can be the best way to deal with the outside temperature as well. 

In a nutshell, frozen grapes can help you tackle your cravings and hunger in the best possible way. 

Although, you need to consume these in a limit to avoid habitual eating. 


#5. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can be extraordinarily healthy. They include so many vital nutrients, such as omega 3 fatty acids and healthy plant components.

Moreover, these are also a good source of soluble fiber as 40% of the seeds contain soluble fiber. 

The fiber absorbs the water and makes it swollen. 

After that, it becomes a jelly-like substance that eventually helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. 

There are so many healthy snacks for cravings that you can find out how to make with chia seeds in order to fight cravings. 

For instance, if you are dealing with sugar cravings, you can make chia pudding. 


#6. Chewing Gum or Mints

The absolute best way to stop craving sugar is to chew gum or mints! 

Chewing gums or mints can unexpectedly help you curb your sugar cravings. 

Those mints or gums that are made from artificial sweeteners are very low in calories and taste really sweet. 

Not only chewing gum would just stop your cravings but it can also help you in killing your hunger for a real good time.  

As an added benefit, chewing gums are also considered to be really good for the teeth. 


#7. Avocado

You must be aware of the fact that fats found in food help in making us feel fuller for a longer period of time. 

More than that, they also taste good and add flavor to the food. However, avocados are rich in those fats and can make you feel full for longer.

Along with making you feel fuller, they induce a minimal effect on the blood sugar level of the body. 

If we start counting, there can be a plethora of health advantages that you can obtain from eating avocados. 

Although, for now, rest assured of the fact that avocados are genuinely helpful and are one of the most healthy foods to stop cravings. 


#8. Trail Mix Blends

Trail mix is one the healthiest snacks that can effectively make you fuller and can suppress your appetite as well. 

One of the main ingredients that are included in a trail mix blend can be those which are rich in fibers. 

For instance, you can look for nuts and fruits that contain higher amounts of fiber. 

Creating your own kind of trail mix blend can allow you to mix in the ingredients according to the calories or the nutrients that they contain. 

However, you are advised to know how to use ingredients to fight cravings the right way. Use chocolates or sweet pieces in a little amount and the healthy ingredients in a larger proportion.


#9. Popcorn 

The simplest and the most classic food that can help you alleviate your cravings along with being tasty! 

Like the former foods, popcorn too is a very good source of fibers and can efficiently suppress your hunger. 

More than that, a bowl of popcorn is considered to be one of the most satisfying snacks of all time. 

To deal with your sugar cravings, you can try a little experiment with the recipes. 

For instance, you can have a thin coat of cinnamon or something sweet after making it ready to eat. 

So, when you are running low on ideas of what to eat when craving sweets, you can always turn to popcorn. 


#10. Almonds & Walnuts

For your information, nuts are enriched with monounsaturated fats which are really good for health. 

In fact, they can ensure the wellness of your heart health in particular and can provide a sense of fullness. 

Apart from being a healthy snack, it is always available and you don’t have to put in an effort to make it. 

Moreover, they are a rich source of fiber and can significantly curb your cravings in the most legit way. 


#11. Legumes

Legumes are the best plant-based sources of protein and fiber. Both these nutrients are there to provide you with a sense of fullness. 

Legumes like lentils, beans, and chickpeas can help you reduce hunger-driven cravings.

More than being advantageous for that, legumes can have a significant impact on your weight loss as well. 

Eating legumes can really be beneficial in reducing your weight in the most efficient way. 

So, get ready to include legumes in your diet to minimize the cravings and hunger that you keep getting. 


#12. Yogurt

Yogurt is a healthy snack that’s high in protein and rich in calcium. 

Technically, fat-free yogurt is a part of the list of healthy sweet snacks for weight loss.

However, there have been some studies that have revealed that yogurt can help you in regulating your appetite as well as alleviating the sugar cravings that you get. 

Some studies have even shown that people who ate yogurt were less likely to feel hungry for a certain period of time than those who had not. 

However, go for yogurt that has zero or less added sugar. 

But if you want to know how to stop sugar cravings instantly, you can add yogurt to your diet. 


#13. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes are enriched with healthy nutrition and are sweet enough to curb your cravings as well. 

These have energy-fueling carbs and proteins. Along with that, sweet potatoes are a very good source of vitamins and minerals.

In fact, including sweet potatoes in your meals can effectively combat sugar cravings. 

Though, you don’t have to worry about the calorie intake as they will provide you more benefits than harm. 

With that being said, sweet potatoes are also rich in taste, which is nothing less than icing on the cake. 


#14. Eggs 

Eggs are another high-protein food that can suppress your appetite and control your hunger as well. 

Some researchers have shown us that eating eggs in your breakfast can make you eat less throughout the day. 

This can be possible because of the fact that a high-protein breakfast can suppress the hunger hormones known as Ghrelin. 

Apart from that, eggs can also increase the hormones that are responsible for making you feel fuller. 

So, if you ever have to ask how to fight food cravings, all you need to do is switch your breakfast plans to include eggs.


#15. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods, such as yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha are a wonderful source of healthy bacteria. 

The good bacteria in these foods can significantly combat the disease-causing bacteria while helping to maintain the microbiome balance as well. 

Fermented foods are literally one of the most popular healthy snacks to curb sugar cravings

According to experts, including fermented foods in your meals can contribute to a healthy gut too. 

Not to mention, fermented foods can heavily impact your food intake and appetite in a beneficial and healthy way. 

So, mentioned above were all the best and easily available healthy foods to stop cravings that can help you get rid of sugar cravings right away. 


Wrap Up

Dealing with your food cravings can really be tough enough to make you grumpy. However, if you want to fight cravings, you need to know how to plan meals.

You can’t just eat any food that you want to unless they are healthy enough.

So, we have tried our very best to let you know about some of the healthiest foods that can genuinely help you in fending off the cravings and get a flat stomach

These healthy foods to stop cravings do not only help you deal with your hunger but also they are more than healthy to consume each day in moderation. 

Now, after answering how to fight the urge to eat, let’s move on to some of the most asked questions…



Here, we’ve tried to answer the most googled-questions related to today’s topic.

#1. What is your body lacking if you crave certain foods?

Generally, what causes food cravings include different factors. They can certainly also indicate a nutritional deficiency in some rare cases. 

For instance, if you are craving chocolates, your body is lacking magnesium levels!


#2. Why am I hungry all the time?

You are more likely to feel hungry when your diet lacks fibers or proteins. 

Although, extreme hunger is also a result of inadequate sleep and some other health issues. 


#3. How long does it take to stop craving junk food?

You can get rid of the cravings for junk foods within a few days with a well-planned protein diet, exercise, and, yes, determination.

Try switching to healthy sources of carbs found in fruits and grains instead of eating junk.


#4. Why do I crave food when full?

Sometimes, the hunger in our body depends on some psychological signals, which eventually trigger our appetite even after we have eaten. 


#5. Does your body crave food it needs?

No, your body craves what your brain wants and not what it needs. 


#6. What happens when you ignore hunger?

Skipping meals or not eating for a long duration of time can have a significant impact on your metabolism, ultimately making it slower. And a slow metabolic rate will make you gain weight and make it difficult to lose it. 

So, a better approach is to eat in smaller portions and not go without eating for long durations.