Secrets of Pegan Diet Weight Loss Plan | Katie Couric Followed It Too

Can Pegan Diet Help you Lose Weight?

Or it’s just another fad diet idea that has gained unnecessary attention?

‘Diet’ is the basic aspect of a healthy body. A proper diet provides enough nourishment to the body to stay fit and active. 

However, dieting is a common buzzword in the fitness industry which is often associated with weight loss.

The weight loss industry has experienced an endless number of Weight loss diets with some crazy transformation stories. Some popular diet types are:

  • Vegan diet
  • Low-carb diet
  • Low-fat diet
  • Paleo diet
  • Atkins diet
  • Dunkan diet

The pegan diet is nowadays catching the attention of all fitness lovers. It is the rising keto of today and continues to gain popularity. 

Pegan diet meaning is simply Paleo + Vegan

A combination of the caveman diet and veganism, the idea of pegan diet is to be vegan and eat like a caveman. Pegan diet weight loss plans have recently gained momentum and are currently the favorites of the weight loss enthus.

So, what is this diet and how effective is it? Can you lose weight on a pegan diet? stay tuned till the end to know more about the pegan diet plan.


What is Pegan Diet?

pegan diet meaning

The pegan diet is a combination of two other types of diets: Paleo and Vegan.

Initially coined by Dr Mark Hyman in 2014, the main aim behind Pegan diet is a healthy approach towards a plant-based diet along with healthy meat consumption. 

Further, the intriguing idea powering Pegan diet is that whole grains and nutrition-dense foods decrease inflammation. Also, they help to maintain blood sugar levels in the body.

The Paleo diet is a caveman’s diet and the vegan diet is plant-based. One might get probably inclined to wonder if these two cannot go hand-in-hand. It must seem impossible to incorporate both of these at once. 

However, that is the whole idea behind it. 

The main goal of the Pegan diet is to combine entirely different Paleo and Vegan diets. The Pegan diet emphasizes fruits and vegetables. However, it also allows some meat, fish, nuts, and grains.

What’s more interesting is, just like the vegan and paleo diets, pegan diet plan also excludes dairy consumption.

People were first got introduced to Pegan concept in Mark Hyman’s blog in 2014. Hyman stated that Pegan diet allows 75% intake of plant-based food. Hence, it is an eco-friendly diet. The rest 25% of the nutrition comes from animal sources.

The Pegan food list contains the following food items for each diet category:





Despite the inclusion of healthy foods and the exclusion of un-processed foods, is this diet effective? If yes, what should be the Pegan diet for beginners? Scroll down and get all the answers to your questions.


Ultimate Pegan Diet Menu: What Foods can you Include? 

The Paleo and vegan diets both focus on skipping processed foods. They both have common grounds over eating natural foods. 

The following is a Pegan diet sample menu that mentions Pegan foods to eat. 


#1. Plant-Based Food

The primary food group which is mainly focused on the Pegan diet is plant-based food. It includes fruits and vegetables, comprising 75% of the total intake.

Non-starchy fruits and vegetables should be particularly taken more to manage blood-sugar levels of the body. Also, low-glycemic fruits such as berries are essential to include. 


#2. Minimal or Non-Processed Fats

This might answer whether can you lose weight on pegan diet.

Being on a Pegan diet, you should only take fat from natural sources. Refined or artificially processed fats are forbidden. You can include fats from the following sources:

  • Seeds: except processed seed-oils
  • Omega 3 fats: from fish and algae
  • Nuts: all nuts but peanuts
  • Non-processed natural oils: unrefined coconut, avocado, and olive oils
  • Animal-based: grass-fed meats and whole eggs

These fat sources are natural and align with the Pegan principles. Any other fats than these are not allowed in this diet plan.


#3. Whole Grains and Legumes

Generally, grains and legumes are not included in healthy diets, as they increase blood sugar levels. However, some non-gluten and whole grains are allowed under the Pegan diet meal plan. Here is a list of some of the healthy grains and legumes:

  • Grains: oats, quinoa, millet, and teff.
  • Legumes: lentils, black beans, chickpeas, and pinto beans. 

The intake of the above-listed grains is restricted to no more than ½ cup and for legumes, it is 1 cup.

Notably, findings from observational studies indicate that higher consumption of whole grains is significantly inversely associated with body mass index.

Pegan diet weight loss culture seems to have positive outcomes.


#4. Protein-Rich Animal Sources

Though 75% of the food intake in the Pegan diet is plant-based. The remaining 25% of the protein comes from natural animal sources.

The Pegan diet does not allow farmed meat and eggs. It specifically focuses on farm-raised and grass-fed meat and eggs. Some of the pasture-raised meat and eggs include pork, beef, and whole eggs.

Further, the emphasis is primarily placed on whole foods, fruits, veggies, nuts, and legumes. The Pegan diet leaves out processed food such as:

  • Bread
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Cereals
  • Foods containing sweeteners
  • Yogurt 

These were the basic food items that are restricted from a Pegan diet. Also, you should leave out any food containing artificial additives. There is a strict rule to the Pegan diet that is a must-know one. 

Further, the pegan diet weight loss meal plan has some rules. one of the most prominent one is related to portion size.


The 5-4-3-2-1 Rule

The Pegan diet is a lot less restrictive than Paleo and Vegan diets. However, there are a few rules to the Pegan diet plan that are a must. Those rules are encapsulated into one basic and easy-to-remember rule- The 5-4-3-2-1 rule.

The 5-4-3-2-1 rule divides the serving sizes of different food groups under the Pegan food list. The Pegan meal should contain food in the following proportion:

  • 5 or more servings (cups) of fruits and vegetables
  • 4 servings of carbohydrates
  • 3 servings of proteins
  • 2 servings of healthy and unprocessed fats
  • 1 serving of dairy food item. 

The above-mentioned rules make up the chief 5-4-3-2-1 principle of the Pegan diet. This principle can be spread across 3 meals every day.

You can also include two Pegan Snacks each day following this rule. Also, make sure meat and fish are included but in small proportions. 

The pegan diet essentially promotes a close-to-nature eating style. Hence, it focuses more on natural and non-refined food. However, the question remains, is it effective? is it possible to lose weight while being on a Pegan diet?

Well, the answer to this is a little comprehensive. Let’s understand it better.


Can You Lose Weight on Pegan Diet?

The Pegan diet usually despises processed food and refined sugars and carbs. This itself leads to the idea of weight loss. Cutting off processed food and mixing sugars and carbs makes you lose weight eventually. 

It is a fact that being on a Pegan diet helps to maintain a healthier self and eliminates unhealthy and artificial intake. This helps to nourish the body and boosts natural energy and metabolism.

Digestion is also improved due to eating healthily. The Pegan diet foods include adequate amounts of fiber and roughage too. Hence, it promotes good digestion and maintains gut health. 

Better digestion, good gut health, and increased metabolism help to lose weight. Also, there is no intake of unnecessary processed fats. This in turn accelerates weight loss and avoids further fat storage. 

Further, it is very unlikely for the Pegan diet to be harmful to the body in any way. To get prominent weight loss results from Pegan diet, follow it in the long term. You can achieve good weight loss results with the Pegan diet, with at most one cheat day per week. 

The effectiveness of pegan diet for weight loss is experienced by many people. 


Pegan Diet Reviews

If the question can you lose weight on pegan diet still haunts you, well the best way to know the effectiveness of a diet plan is to follow it yourself.

Everybody is different and so are the results associated. Seeing the results for yourself gives the best clarity if a diet works for you or not. 

However, if you want to start on the Pegan diet soon, hear from people who have tried it already. To save some time for you, we have mentioned some Pegan diet reviews. Make sure to read this section throughout. 

According to the different people who have tried the Pegan diet, it made them feel good. Many have also shared their results and experiences with Dr Hyman. 

As this diet focuses on healthy and natural food, people say it detoxifies the body. not only does it help in losing weight, but also energizes the body and mind. 

Graham states in her blog, the Pegan diet brings out life from the power that natural food cultivates. Also, she strongly believes that the Pegan diet is a fantastic option to stay healthy. 

Katie Couric is also among those who benefited from following a pegan diet weight loss plan.


Katie Couric Pegan Diet

katie couric pegan diet

In February 2021, Katie Couric – a popular journalist and jeopardy guest decided to clean her diet and lose weight.

She engaged her Instagram followers in her three-week pegan diet reset and called it “Spring Into Health” (with her).

So, at the beginning of march 2021, Katie started to start and try Dr. Hayman’s “21” day detox as explained in ie book The Pegan Diet: 21 Practical Principles for Reclaiming Your Health in a Nutritionally Confusing World

In more than 1 week, Couric was feeling good and so she shared the pegan diet recipes. She also interviewed Dr. Hayman and offered tips about setting up a pegan pantry with legumes, lean meat, veggies, fruits, and nuts.

Moreover, a lot of other people have given similar reviews about the good results of the Pegan diet. A large crowd of people is extremely impressed with this diet. the internet is flooded with positive reviews on Pegan Diet. 


The Pegan Diet Meal Plan

This segment contains a guide on how to plan out a Pegan diet. Also, it includes a few Pegan diet recipes which are easy to make.

The Pegan diet recognizes the essence of natural and unprocessed eating for a healthy body. Therefore, it recommends taking the different Pegan food in the following proportions:


#1. Carbohydrates

You must include half to a two-thirds portion of your plate with carbs. For this, include dark leafy vegetables such as cauliflower, green beans, and broccoli. There are many other veggies too, which you can choose according to your liking. 

Also, include soaked and spouted grains.


#2. Fats

A quarter to one-third of your plate should have healthy fats. Coconut butter, ghee, coconut oil, and avocado oils are the best options. If you can tolerate dairy, yogurt and nuts can be also used as well. 


#3. Proteins 

Organic, grass-fed, and pasture-raised animals make up the best proteins in the Pegan diet. Include organic meat, fish, and eggs to about a quarter of the plate. 


#4. Water

Last but not the least, an adequate amount of water is an essential part of this diet. Drinking lots of water and including it in the food also, is extremely important.

Water is the basic need of the body. Hence, make sure to drink enough water alongside a healthy Pegan diet. 

These were some important instructions for the major Pegan food groups. These will help you incorporate the required amounts of food items into your meals. 

Also, here are some refreshing and tasty Pegan recipes that you can include. These are easy-to-make recipes under the Pegan Diet sample menu you can have them regularly.

  • Cashew yogurt
  • Vegan paleo granola
  • Strawberry coconut smoothie
  • Cauliflower Oatmeal
  • Chocolate chip pumpkin cookies
  • Vegan fudge
  • Sweet potato brownies
  • Paleo brownies

These are some relinquishing recipes that will make your Pegan diet tastier. 

Though the Pegan diet is not very restrictive, a few rules should be strongly kept in mind. These rules help to boost the effectiveness of the diet and fasten the results. 


Pegan Diet Rules

Here is a list of some important rules that need to be strictly followed in the Pegan diet.

  1. Foods should be minimal or not processed at all.
  2. Try including only whole foods.
  3. Avoid refined sugars. Instead, use honey and maple syrup.
  4. Avoid starchy vegetables, especially potatoes.
  5. Do not eat wheat. Use grains such as Amarnath, quinoa, and wild rice.
  6. Do not eat dairy products and soy.

Make sure to follow these regulations of the Pegan diet, and you’ll notice great results.


Diet In Style

 Whether you are trying to lose weight, or maintain a healthy and fit body, the Pegan diet seems effective and safe. It is the trending diet type these days and is extremely effective.

The pegan diet is a combination of Paleo and Vegan diets. It focuses on natural foods and discards processed and refined foods. 

This article gives detailed information on the Pegan diet and the food included in it. Also, the later sections describe well the diet plan and rules of the Pegan diet. 

Furthermore, an exclusive section tells the testimonies of people who have tried this diet. it gives a broad clarity over the effectiveness of this diet. 

This article leads me to believe that the Pegan diet is a fantastic option to stay healthy and fit. On top of that, it elevates energy levels and helps stay happier. 

Since it is a trending weight loss diet plan, it is obvious to have questions about it. So, to help you with that, here are some of the most frequently asked questions about pegan diet.



There are many queries regarding the Pegan diet style. Therefore, in this section, we tried to answer most of the popular questions on the Pegan diet.

#1. What is the difference between the paleo and Pegan diets?

The Paleo diet is a caveman’s diet. It focuses on meats, fish, eggs, nuts, and veggies. It strictly forbids processed food, sugars, carbs, and grains.

On the other hand, the Pegan diet incorporates whole foods from the paleo diet, hunted or gathered. For example; meat, fish, eggs, nuts, etc. But the Pegan diet leaves out all the gluten and dairy food.


#2. Is coffee OK on Pegan diet?

No. If you’re thinking of sipping some coffee while being on a Pegan diet, it is a strict no. The Pegan diet strictly avoids any dairy, alcohol, and coffee.


#3. Is Pegan diet good for diabetics?

Yes. A pegan diet is absolutely a good option for diabetic people. It incorporates unprocessed foods which are starch-free and gluten-free.

Therefore, it helps a lot in controlling and managing blood sugar levels. Hence, it is beneficial for diabetes and is safe. 


#4. Is Pegan diet keto?

A Pegan diet is a cross-between paleo-ketogenic diet and a plant-based diet. Hence, the Pegan diet is not entirely keto but is close to it. 


#5. Can you eat oatmeal on the Pegan diet?

A Pegan diet does not allow any gluten-containing grains. However, gluten-free grains including oatmeal can be surely eaten in Pegan. You can include oatmeal in your daily Pegan meals

These were the most popular questions about the Pegan diet. we hope our answers satisfy these questions and render some clarity.

Pegan diet is unlikely to have any adverse effects. The key to losing weight on pegan diet is consistency and discipline. Feel free to occasionally treat yourself to cheat meals.

“Dieting is the only game where you win when you lose!” — Karl Lagerfeld