How To Heal Pulled Pectoral Muscle: Ways to Speed Up the Recovery

Weird pain in your chest region just after a rigorous workout? You might have pulled pectoral muscles while training. Though it isn’t uncommon, the sharp pain, tightness, and difficulty breathing often scare people because of similar symptoms as to a potential heart attack. Learn how to treat a pulled pectoral muscle so you don’t panic when it happens again.

pulled pectoral muscles

A big chest is well-appreciated, but achieving that isn’t easy at all.

Whenever you do a rigorous activity concerning your chest training, you may often feel this pain sensation.

This happens because your chest or pectoral muscles are stretched when you exercise.

When the intensity of the exercise or the number of repetitions increases, the muscles feel the extra pull, therefore, causing the sensation of pain.

But the big question is – how to treat a pulled pectoral muscle?

Unless the pulled pectoral muscles aren’t that serious, one can easily heal a pec strain.

Before getting into how to treat pectoral muscles, one must know a few things to not confuse it with a heart attack.


What Are Pectoral Muscles?

Pectoral muscles are a group of muscles located in the chest region.

These skeletal muscles connect the upper extremities with the anterior and lateral thoracic walls.

Pecs are the primary muscles for the arms, shoulders, and chest movement. These are further divided into two groups of muscle namely–

  • the pectoralis major
  • the pectoralis minor

The pectoralis major is the larger of the two and is responsible for most movements. It is located on the upper half of the chest and is responsible for the mobility of the arms and shoulders.

Whereas, the pectoralis minor is located underneath the pectoralis major and is responsible for the movement of the chest.


What is the Importance of Pectoral Muscles?

Interestingly, the pectoral muscles have many important functions. They are responsible for –

  • The movement of the arms and shoulders.
  • Enabling us to perform activities such as carrying, pushing, and pulling objects.
  • Helping stabilize the shoulder joint and support the neck and upper back.
  • Maintaining posture and mobility of the upper body they help to keep the spine in alignment.

The pectoral muscles are also important for athletic performance. They are used for weight lifting, running, swimming and gymnastics.

Adding to it, pec muscles help to increase strength, power, and speed and are important for developing coordination and balance.

The pectoral muscles can be strengthened through several different calisthenic exercises. These can include –

  • push-ups
  • chest presses
  • chest flies
  • pull-ups
  • shoulder presses
  • cable crossovers

It is important to be mindful of the form and technique when performing these exercises to ensure that they are completed correctly and cause no injury.

On the contrary, sometimes injuries are unavoidable. You may injure or strain your pectoral muscles while working out or indulging in some serious activities such as running, swimming, or lifting heavy.

This can cause discomfort or sometimes extreme pain in your chest region due to torn muscles.

Before returning to the question of how to treat a torn pectoral muscle, you must first know what the strain or pain feels like.


How Does the Pec Strain Feel Like?

A pectoral strain is an injury to the muscles in the chest wall that can be painful and debilitating.

It is often caused by overstretching or overuse of the pectoral muscles and can occur during activities like weight lifting, sports, or even everyday activities like brushing your teeth.

What are the symptoms that you should look for when experiencing such pain?

 Torn pectoral muscle symptoms include

  • pain and tenderness in the chest area, ranging from mild to severe.

Additionally, you may experience

  • swelling
  • bruising
  • decreased range of motion in the affected area

The intensity of pain may differ from person to person. When strained pectoral muscles become torn or inflamed, it leads to a pain sensation in the chest that may radiate to the shoulder or arm.

Moreover, a pulled pectoral muscle may feel similar to a heart attack at times. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between the two to act accordingly.


How to Tell if Chest Pain is Muscular or Heart Related?

 You can tell your chest pain is related to muscles if:

  • The pain started after overusing the muscles
  • The muscular area feels painful when you touch it
  • You find it difficult to move your arms and shoulders

Adding to it, one may also feel a popping sensation if the pectoral strain is severe.

Whereas in the case of chest pain related to the heart, you feel stiffened and squeezing feeling in the chest, there is discomfort in your throat, jaw, shoulders, neck, arm, and upper abdomen area. Also, Cardiac-related pain doesn’t change with breathing

Remember, if you face such a pain sensation, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

However, in case of a pulled pectoral muscle, one can treat it at home with some natural remedies and exercises at the beginning. The next section talks about how to heal torn pectoral muscles.


How to Treat A Pulled Pectoral Muscle?

To heal a strained pectoral muscle can be arduous, but with the right treatment, one can get back to regular activities in no time.

The most important thing to do when you have a pulled pectoral muscle is to avoid any action that causes pain.

This is especially true when it comes to activities that involve pushing and pulling with the arms and chest.

Resting the muscle and avoiding strenuous activity is essential for healing. Here is a list of other methods that may help to treat strained pectoral muscles in your chest.


#1. Medication

In addition to rest, taking medication is useful to heal a pec strain. Medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be used to reduce inflammation and pain.

Notably, anti-inflammatory drugs prevent the secretion of prostaglandins that irritate the nerves and cause pain.

Topical creams and ointments that contain lidocaine and menthol can also help soothe the area and reduce inflammation.


#2. Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is another way to help treat a pulled pectoral muscle. Massage can assist in increasing blood flow to the area, reduce swelling, and promote healing.

A massage therapist can also provide stretching exercises that can help to alleviate pain and restore range of motion.

You can also follow specific sports massages to improve the efficiency of the pulled muscles because of overuse.


#3. Contrasting Therapy

Another answer for how to treat a pulled pectoral muscle is heat and cold therapy. Cold and heat therapy are contrasting treatments that can be combined to treat a strained pectoral muscle.

This is an effective way of managing the pain and inflammation caused by workout injury or an unintentional muscle pull.

Make sure to begin with cold therapy (ice packs) first, as it helps to reduce pain and swelling. Heat therapy should then be applied after 48-72 hours for optimal improvement in muscle stiffness, range of motion, and flexibility.


#4. Surgery is the Last Resort

Surgery to treat a pulled pectoral muscle is a relatively common procedure recommended by medical professionals.

Treating a pulled pectoral muscle with surgery is effective most of the time. However, it is generally performed in the most severe cases.

After executing the above-mentioned treatments, it is important to start slowly when it is time to resume physical activity.

Gentle stretching and range of motion exercises can help to re-strengthen the pectoral muscles.

A physical therapist may be able to provide a tailored workout program that will help to strengthen the area and prevent re-injury.

A doctor can assess the severity of the strain and recommend a treatment plan. Rest and physical therapy may be recommended if the pectoral strain is mild.

If the strain is more severe, you may need to wear a splint or brace to immobilize the affected area while it heals. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the torn muscles.

In addition to the above treatment, you can also adopt some physical exercises to heal the pec strain. The specific workout plan will not only help in the healing process but will also build the muscles stronger.


Pectoral Muscle Workout to Treat Pec Strain

A strong and toned chest is essential to a fit and healthy body. To achieve this, it is important to engage in chest exercises that target the pectoral muscles. Working out these muscles can help us build a firm and healthy chest.

Here are a few pectoral muscle workouts that can help you achieve your goals:


#1. Supine Serratus Scoop with Band

 Here’s how to do supine serratus scoop with the band:

Step 1: To do this exercise all you need is an exercise band. Start by taking the band at your back and bring it in front around your abdominal area just below your chest area.

Step 2: Hold the right side of the end of the band with the left hand and list side of the band end with the right hand.

Step 3: Now lie on the floor and keep your knees bent parallel to the floor.

Step 4: The next step is to scoop, stretch, and pull the band and spread your hands above your head.

Step 5: Bring it back to the start position and start scoop again.


#2. Pectoralis Stretch at the Doorway

Here’s how to do a pectoralis stretch at the doorway:

Step 1: Stand on a doorway or corner with both your hands on the wall slightly above your head.

Step 2: Now lean forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your shoulders. Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds.

Step 3: Repeat it for 3 times


#3. Chest fly with Dumbbells

Here’s how to do chest fly with dumbbells:

Step 1: Lying down on a bench and hold dumbbells in both your hands.

Step 2: Push the dumbbells up and out in a circular motion.

Step 3: Bring it back to the starting position and repeat it 3 times.


#4. Cable Crossover

Here’s how to do cable crossover to treat a pulled pectoral muscle:

Step 1: Stand near the cable crossovers.

Step 2: Hold the cables in each hand and take one step in front to make a grip

Step 3: Now pull the cables towards your chest and slowly take it back to the starting position.


#5. Quadruped Arm/Leg Raise

Here’s how to do Quadruped arm/leg raise:

Step 1: Get down on your hands and knees.

Step 2: Now to stiffen your spine, tighten your abdominal area

Step 3: Now raise one arm and the opposite leg away from you.

Step 4: Hold this position for 5 seconds and get back to the starting position. Now alternate the legs and hands and do it again.

These exercises are great for treating a pulled pectoral muscle.

It is important to remember to perform these exercises correctly to ensure that you do not injure yourself.

Doing these exercises regularly can help you build a strong and toned chest. Working out your pectorals can help you heal, strengthen, and tone your chest.


How Often Should You Workout Your Pectoral Muscles?

When deciding how often to work out your pecs, the most important thing to consider is finding a workout regimen that works best for you.

You should aim to work out your pecs 2-3 times per week, with at least one day off in between the week.

Proper rest allows the body to recover, prevent injury, and ensure maximum strength gains over time. Meticulously planning your workout regimen and consistently following it is key.

Any workout that needs to be properly prepared or done too frequently might lead to fatigue and possible injury.

Additionally, make sure to include both pushing and pulling exercises in your workout to have equal focus on both sides of the chest muscles.

With focus, persistence, and dedication, you will be able to develop strong and well-built pecs over time!

In addition to the above treatments and pec-specific workouts, there are various tips that you may find useful to help heal strained pecs or may also significantly contribute to building muscle strength in your chest region.


Tips for Speed Up a Pulled Pectoral Muscle

Knowing how to treat a pulled pectoral muscle is great but what is more important is to also be aware of how to speed up the healing process.

Here are seven tips to help you get the most out of your treatment of pulled pectoral muscle.

#1. Warming Up is Important

Make sure to warm up your muscles before you start your chest workout. The process will help to prevent injury and ensure that your muscles are ready for the training. A few minutes of light cardio or stretching is a great way to warm up.


#2. Choose Exercises that Suit you the Best

It is important to choose the right exercises for your chest workout. Exercises like bench presses and push-ups are great for strengthening the chest muscles. Make sure to choose exercises that target all of the different parts of your chest muscles.


#3. Take Help from Legs

If you are looking to maximize your chest workouts, use a good form with your legs. Leg muscles are essential in providing good support for the rest of the body, while chest exercises require a lot of effort and balance. Therefore, if you integrate leg strength into your routine by using good form, you are sure to take it up a notch.


#4. Be Consistent with your Workout

It is essential to be consistent with your chest workout. Aim to do your chest routine at least three times a week. This will help you see the best results from your training.


#5. Use Proper Body Posture

Make sure to use proper form when doing chest exercises. This will help you to get the most out of your workout and minimize the risk of injury. If you need more clarification about your form, it is a good idea to consult with a personal trainer or fitness expert.


#6. Take Breaks

It is important to take regular breaks during your chest workout. This will allow your muscles to rest and recover, which is important for muscle growth and strength.


#7. Take Necessary Precautions

Finally, following some basic safety precautions when doing chest exercises is important. Make sure to use a spotter when doing any heavy lifting exercises, and always be mindful of proper form.


#8. Stay Hydrated

It is important to stay hydrated enough to avoid any additional sprain or pressure on the muscles. Keeping yourself hydrated will provide enough oxygen to the muscles and also maintain the blood flow.


#9. Eat Enough Proteins

Proteins are the building blocks of the muscles. Therefore, there is no way you can skip protein especially when you want to heal a pulled pectoral muscle. Include enough eggs, meat, and nuts in your diet.


#10. Practice “RICE”

RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, is a way to treat the injured area naturally without any medication or exercise. The first step is to take enough rest, next is to wrap a towel filled with ice around the chest for 5-8 minutes, then compress and elevate the area slowly. If you experience any severe pain or discomfort, stop the activity immediately and consult a doctor.

These are just a few suggestions for chest muscle workouts. By following these tips, treat a pulled pectoral muscle and how and also accelerate the healing process.


Concluding Thoughts

The pectoral muscles can be exercised through several exercises, including push-ups, chest presses, chest flies, pull-ups, shoulder presses, and cable crossovers.

If you strain your muscles while doing any activity, it can be very painful. However, with the right treatment, healing and regaining strength are possible.

Rest, medication, massage, and a tailored workout program can help to treat a pulled pectoral muscle and get back to regular activities quickly and safely.

No matter the cause, a pectoral strain can be extremely painful and debilitating. If you experience pain or discomfort in the chest area, it is important to seek medical attention to ensure a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

With the right care, a pectoral pull can be successfully treated, and you can return to your regular activities as soon as you’re the muscles are healed.