10 Pro Ways to Protect/Prevent your Skin from Tanning in Sun

Don’t Know How to Protect Yourself from Tanning?

Well, this blog presents you with some effective tips on how to protect skin from sun tan.

Everyone loves a perfect tan, but not when it comes at a cost of skin tan.

The exotic sun tan look cannot atone for the risks that come with sun exposure.

 Some love to tan their skin, while putting a sun-kissed selfie is okay, it’s important to remember tanning is in fact a sign of sun damage. 

Knowing how to protect your skin from the sun naturally can help.

Thankfully, from washing your face to applying homemade tan removal face packs there are numerous ways to protect your skin from tanning.

This summer know how to prevent tanning on the face and body with these tips. Let’s begin our detailed discussion…


How to Protect Skin from Sun Tan? [Top 10 Ways]

how to protect yourself from tanning

Summers are the gateway for long beach vacations. But they are also the reason behind the changing appearance of your skin.

The tan you get isn’t just a change in your complexion. In fact, tanning is a defense mechanism of the skin to protect itself from UV damage. When harmful UV A and UV B rays hit the skin, it begins the production of melanin to protect the skin from too much damage.

Of course, intense tanning can trigger skin problems which could vary from premature aging to skin cancer.

Following a few tips can reverse the impact of excessive sun exposure. You need to stick to them for the best noteworthy results.

Let’s begin with the top tips on how to protect yourself from tanning.


#1: Shade Is Your Friend

When you are out in sun, shade is your best friend. The key is to minimize sun exposure. Don’t expose yourself to harmful sun rays for a long duration.

The best way is to look for a shady spot. While walking on the roads, walk under the shady part. You can also make a habit of carrying an umbrella or a scarf.


#2: Avoid Going Out at Peak Sun Hours

In general, the sun remains at its peak from 11 am to 4 pm. These are peak hours subjecting harmful sun rays.

It will lead to intense skin damage while tanning your face and your body. So, dermatologist suggests avoiding outdoor activities during peak sun hours.


#3: Cover Yourself

In case you want to know how to protect your skin from the sun without sunscreen? The key is to lessen sun exposure.

Indeed, if you cover your face, legs, and hands, sun exposure is minimal. This even protects your skin against dangerous UV rays while minimizing tanning.


#4: Apply Sunscreen

You should be careful about the skin exposed directly to sun rays. Apply sunscreen with high SPF to the skin for almost 20 minutes before hitting the road.

This recommendation is applicable even on cloudy days. During a long duration, reapply the sunscreen every 3 to 4 hours. Use sunscreen with more than 30 SPF.


#5: Switch to Sun-Friendly Cosmetics

Whether its make-up or moisturizers, make sure you buy sun-friendly cosmetics. This would provide the benefit of skincare while protecting against harmful sun rays.

Also, if you apply sun-friendly makeup, you don’t need an additional layer of sunscreen.


#6: Wash Your Face Twice

You should clean your face twice a day. You can use tan-reducing face wash.

Indeed, they contain powerful skin cleansing agents to remove tanning. It is the best tip on how to avoid sun tan without sunscreen.


#7: Staying Hydrated

When it comes to skin health, you can’t ignore the importance of hydration. You should drink almost 15 to 20 glasses of water daily.

It prevents dehydration while declining dry skin, which is necessary to minimize tanning. Staying hydrated will replenish electrolytes on the skin’s surface and accelerate the healing process. It’ll also prevent the early skin-aging process.

Related: 10 Best Anti-Aging Tips to Stay Younger Forever


#8: Sun Immune Diet

Your diet determines your overall health, even sun tanning. You should consume more fiber-rich fruits and veggies.

They strengthen the immunity of your skin to reduce the damage. Also, the natural source of antioxidants and vitamins functions as internal sunscreen for your skin.


#9: Cleansing and Exfoliating

For folks thinking about how to remove sun tan from face overnight, exfoliating and cleansing are great.

The part of a basic skincare routine can benefit your skin immensely. It removes dirt, germs as well as the build-up of dead skin while making your skin radiant and glowing.


#1o: Skip Perfumes

Wondering how to protect your skin from sun tan? You have to skip using perfumes. It works as a natural absorber of heat. Indeed, it can accelerate the effect of sun exposure resulting in greater tanning.

According to dermatologist Chanelea Rosa, applying perfumes and aftershave on your chest and neck and going outside can cause a pigmentation condition called Poikiloderma of Civatte.

Hence, instead of perfume, use organic body spray when stepping out.


These were the 10 finest ways how to protect skin from sun tan. You can employ it in your daily life to minimize sun exposure. Eventually, tanning would reduce naturally.

These preventive measures avoid suntan while minimizing previous effects. Of course, prevention is always better than a cure.

Further, returning from a trip make people search for how to protect skin from tanning on beach.

Now before you start trying every other remedy, just know not every skin tan remedy will work.

Contrarily, they can worsen your tanning problem. Let’s explore the details.


Not all Skin Tan Remedies Work

There are infinite answers to how to protect skin from tanning naturally. However, not every natural way guarantees a safe result.

Before you apply anything on your face and skin, make sure you know the right way to apply it, or else you might end up with something more severe.

Not all tips on the internet work. Here are some remedies to avoid…


#1. Lemon juice

When it comes to suntan, lemon is an age-old tale. It is the best tip on how to get rid of a tan on brown skin.

However, you shouldn’t apply it to your skin without diluting it. No study produced any evidence suggesting lemon juice lightens your skin or minimizes the production of melanin.

It may eradicate dead skin but can irritate the skin. Using it while going out can trigger chemical reactions worsening your skin.


#2. Foreign Lightening Products

How to remove tan from face immediately? This is a million-dollar question in the skincare market. People buy foreign skin-lightening products crazily.

The product contains secret steroids, mercury, and other dangerous constituents. Thus, avoid them completely.


#3. Bleaching Agents

Manufacturers market bleaching agents as the best tan-removing product.

Importantly, you should never apply a bleaching agent to your face.

Whether it’s household bleach or any other bleaching product, it harms your skin.

It’s vital to know how to protect skin from sun tan. However, it’s equally important to know the ways you need to avoid for safety purposes.

Avoid the above-mentioned tips; they can trigger skin damage while worsening your skin tan.

Moreover, when talking about how to prevent tan on face, one cannot forget the face packs. Yes, you can use face packs.

On this note, let’s have a look at some of the easy homemade tan removal face masks.


Prevent Tanning without Sunscreen [Homemade Tan Removal Packs]

Prevent Tanning without Sunscreen

Wondering how to prevent a sun tan without any expense?

You can prepare your homemade tan removal face packs. Apply it thrice a week to see visible results. It is also the best answer to the query of how to prevent tanning without sunscreen.  Let’s begin…


#1. Curd, Lemon Juice, and Gram Flour Mixture

Prepare a paste using gram flour, curd, and lemon juice. Apply it to the affected area and let it dry. Afterward, wash it off.

You should apply the facemask twice a week. The tan removal facemask works as a great scrub and exfoliator.


#2. Lemon and Aloe Vera Face Pack

Use lemon juice and aloe vera gel to prepare a face pack. Apply it thrice a week to lessen skin tan.

You can even apply aloe vera gen to the affected area.


#3. Sandalwood and Rosewater Face Pack

Mix sandalwood powder and rosewater. Apply the paste to your tanned skin.

When it dries out, use cold water to gently wash your skin.


#4. Turmeric Powder, Yoghurt, and Honey Face Pack

Mix turmeric, yogurt, and honey to prepare a face pack. Apply the paste over your affected area.

When it dries out clean it with cold water.

You can try these tan removal facemask. They are most effective in lessening sun tan. They even minimize skin damage as a result of excessive exposure to harmful UV rays.

But, why do you need to search for how to protect skin from sun tan? What’s the need?


Why Avoid Sun Tanning?

There is a great obsession to reduce sun tanning or preventing it in the first place. However, why is there so incessant need?

As per reports, tanning can lead to multiple skin conditions. This includes

  • Sunburns
  • Skin Cancer
  • Premature aging/ Photo aging
  • Development of Squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

Certainly, the mentioned conditions are serious. You need to know how to prevent tanning in sun to remain safe as much as possible.

It can even lead to a multitude of other skin problems.

Prevention is always better than cure. Follow the tips along with applying the face pack.

Now, let’s end our discussion about how to protect skin from sun tan with a complete overview.


Wrap Up!

Sun tanning trend is highly popular. However, there aren’t only pros to beauty trends.

Excessive sun exposure to the skin can cause sunburns. In the worst conditions, sun tanning can lead to skin cancer. It can even cause eye damage, signs of aging, premature dullness, and more.

Thus, experts advise avoiding sun tanning in the first place. You can try out the precaution mentioned in this blog. At the same time, you should apply a tan removal facemask thrice a week.

If you have extreme tanning, you can use a facemask thrice a day. As the tanning reduces, you should lessen the frequency of application in the face pack.

You need to avoid the Tik Tok tips that don’t do well while aggravating skin damage. Above all try your best to stay away from the sun and prevent sun tanning in the first place.

If you have sun tan, try these tips and let us know the results. Make sure you bookmark this page in case you are willing to try the face packs.


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