Causes of a Weight Loss Plateau | How To Overcome [10 Ways]

How to overcome a weight loss plateau?

Well, it might be a tricky task if you don’t really know what exactly a weight loss plateau is. 

Weight loss is no cakewalk. Still, people put their heart and soul into their weight loss journey. 

From cutting down on sweets to following an active life with a nutritious diet, to sweat their ass off in the gym, people extend all their limits to get a dream body. 

They even get to see the positive results for the first few months. 

But sadly, after some time, they feel stuck and their dream body seems unattainable. 

The signs of weight loss plateau start to appear and your body struggles to lose some extra pounds.

And while people are well aware of ways to lose weight, they hardly know how to overcome plateau and often surrender. 

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to overcome a weight loss plateau and how long does it last. 

To begin with, let’s discuss what is a weight loss plateau and the causes behind it. 


What Is A Weight Loss Plateau?

what is a weight loss plateau

To simply put, when your body stops losing weight despite following the weight loss diet and workout regime is what experts say is a weight loss plateau. 

To explain, the process of losing weight is one heck of a journey. It is unexpectedly filled with a lot of ups and downs.

That is to say, in this journey, you’ll witness your weight fluctuating. 

Interestingly, in the beginning, you’ll lose weight at an increasing rate. The reason behind it is your weight loss regime. 

The diets, the exercises, the changes in your lifestyle are new for your body, and hence, your body reacts to it. But after some time, your body gets used to it and it gets tougher to lose weight.

Moreover, it’s when your body weight doesn’t fluctuate for nearly 4-6 weeks, is when you have reached the weight loss plateau.

So, if you have been wondering, why has my weight loss come to a standstill, it could be because of the recurring weight loss steps. 

However, there could be some other causes of weight loss plateau as well. 

On this note, let’s discuss it in detail. 


What Are The Most Common Causes Of A Weight Loss Plateau?

Weight loss plateau is a common occurrence for those trying to lose weight. 

Most of the people hit the weight loss plateau stage 6 months after following a starting the regime. 

According to the research, it could be because of an intermittent lack of adherence. 

As per the research, 2 mathematical models were deeply studied. The first model was the metabolic adaptation model and the second one was the intermittent lack of adherence model.

The study concluded that the intermittent lack-of adherence and lack of metabolic adaptation can be the earliest reason behind the weight loss plateau. 

There could be several reasons why your weight loss has come to a halt. Some of them are as follows:


#1. Decline In Rate Of Metabolism

Muscles help you maintain your metabolism and burn calories.

However, when you try to lose weight, your muscle mass decreases naturally, resulting in a decline in metabolism. 

Moreover, if in any case, you are not losing more calories than you are consuming, your weight loss will come to a halt.


#2. Your Body Has Reached The set Point

After following a weight loss regime for around 5 months, your body needs time to reset itself before it begins to help you reach your dream body again. 

Reaching the weight loss plateau means you have reached your body’s set point; going above or below which will slow your metabolism. 


#3. You Repeat The Same Workout Movements

When you keep following the same workout movements, your body adapts to it.

It becomes easier for your body to perform those movements and as a result, there is no more calorie burn or weight loss. 

If you are not challenging your body, you are more likely to attain the weight loss plateau as soon as your body gets used to it. 


#4. Your Body Has Released Glycogen

When your body has released the stored glycogen for energy, it turns to fat and muscles for the same. 

The loss of glycogen makes the body lose water weight. Although it is temporary and your body can renew the glycogen stores, the time period it takes to return feels like a weight loss plateau. 

It is an irritating phase and probably the major reason why people quit in the middle of their weight loss process. 

Now that you know the causes, it’s time to find out how to overcome weight loss plateau.

So, will a weight loss plateau go away on its own?

Absolutely not!

If something is not benefiting you, it certainly is abstaining you from getting something better. 

Just like that, if the weight loss regime you have adopted is now of no good, it’s time to make some changes. 


How To Overcome A Weight Loss Plateau? [10 Ways]

How To Overcome A Weight Loss Plateau

Losing weight is tough, but overcoming a weight loss plateau could be even tougher. 

Nevertheless, reaching the weight loss plateau is also a sign that you are close to your goal. 

It’s important to not be brutal with yourself.

However, it is equally important to keep challenging your body and changing your regime to get the desired results. 

Here’s is how to beat weight loss plateau.


#1. Increase Your Workout Intensity

Doing the same workout, again and again, make your body get used to the routine.

Your body becomes efficient at completing the weight loss regime but lacks effectiveness. 

In order to break the weight loss plateau, you need to challenge your body and work a little harder. 

For that, you need to increase the intensity of your workout, push yourself a little more, and increase the intensity of your workout gradually. 


#2. Add More Proteins To Your Diet

You can enjoy healthy and high-protein weight loss meals. Increasing your protein intake can help you revive your weight loss.

  • Digesting protein burns more calories.
  • It helps secrete the appetite-curbing hormones.
  • Protein helps protect muscle loss as well.

An adult with average physical activity requires around 0.8 grams of protein per kg of body weight. 

So, all you have to do is find how much protein does your body needs to get out of the weight loss plateau. 


#3. Include Strength Training

Incorporating strength training could be a great way to overcome the weight loss plateau. It will help you build muscles and burn more calories as compared to fat. 

Doing strength training for just 2 days a week can help you come out of the weight loss plateau. 

Importantly, keep changing the exercises to prevent the body from adapting to them. 


#4. Distance Yourself From Stress

Stress does no good to your body whether physically or mentally.

Stress increases the cortisol level which as a result triggers your appetite hormone and you end up craving comfort foods. 

Comfort foods usually include high-fat foods, sugary and hi-crab foods as well. 

In order to keep yourself in shape, it’s important to resist and overcome comfort foods. You can try meditation, practice deep breathing, or simply look for healthy alternatives. 


#5. Make Sleep A Priority

Lack of quality sleep (zolpidem) increases stress and makes you crave unhealthy foods. Adding to it, sleep helps relax muscles and stimulates muscle-building.

Proper rest and sleep are essential after a tiring day. A minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep is critical to cope with tiredness. 

You can try taking a night walk, maintaining sleep hygiene, and simple meditation to sleep properly.


#6. Eat And Drink Throughout The Day

If you feel stuck at the weight loss plateau, changing your eating and drinking habits can help you come out of it. 

To begin with, count your calorie requirement and then make the portion size accordingly. Also, knowing your calorie intake can help you burn more calories. 

Next, stay hydrated and save yourself from making blunders like starving and keeping yourself thirsty. 

Water helps reach oxygen to the muscles and prevents muscle loss leading to better performance and breaking of weight loss plateau.

Keeping yourself hydrated and full could be the first step towards how to overcome a weight loss plateau. 


#7. Eat More Fibre-Full Plate

If you want to know how to overcome a plateau when dieting, this point is of a lot of help. 

Don’t skip a plate full of fiber or else you might stay stuck at the weight loss plateau. 

High-fiber food like lentils, oatmeal, nuts, and berries can help you keep your gastrointestinal health on track. 

Adding to it, fiber-rich food can also keep you full for a longer period and keep your unhealthy cravings at bay. 


#8. Try Intermittent Fasting

To get rid of the weight loss plateau intermittent fasting could be of some great help. 

The 5:2 method of intermittent fasting can help you deal with the weight loss plateau and maintain your body’s requirements as well. 

You can eat normally on 5 days and cut down your calories for the next 2 days can help create a balance and resume your weight loss process without you having to stress about how to overcome the weight loss plateau. 


#9. Avoid Alcohol

If you are thinking it’s just a glass of wine, well, that just glass of wine is pulling you away from reaching your weight loss goals. 

Alcohols are high in calories and are one of the primary contributors to weight gain. Alcohol lacks nutritional value and makes you crave junk foods. 

If you feel stuck at a weight loss plateau, try eliminating or limiting your alcohol intake. 


#10. Mix Your Workout

Keep challenging and surprising your body with new exercises every now and then. You can even make a varied exercise plan for every day. 

Apart from adding strength training, you can also do some cardio, and opt for walking for weight loss once in a while. 

These were some of the ways to break the weight loss plateau

Apart from this, you can also try some other lifestyle changes to beat the weight loss plateau. 

Some of the additional tips to overcome weight loss plateau are:

  • Keep a food journal to track your food intake and physical activity.
  • Try meal planning.
  • Carry your water.
  • Do household chores to move more. 
  • Be patient and don’t lose hope.
  • Avoid skipping meals.
  • Make realistic goals

Overcoming a weight loss plateau is not a tough task if you keep working on it. 

Every weight loss enthusiast has to encounter it at some point. It works as a gateway to reach your weight loss goals. 

So, Is a weight loss plateau good?

Let’s find out.


Is A Weight-Loss Plateau Good?

is a weight loss plateau good

The answer might surprise you.

Weight loss plateau is actually beneficial. 

To explain, arriving at the weight loss plateau is actually a sign that your regime is not working anymore and you need to make some changes.

Adding to it, it is also a sign that you have come a lot far and can go further. However, for that, your body requires some quick alterations to take place in the workout and lifestyle. 

It’s like a mark on your journey that signals you to make an assessment and refuel yourself to jumpstart the weight loss regime with full force. 

You may be wondering how long is a weight loss plateau

How patient do you need to be to come out of this irritating phase?

Worry less, we got you covered mate!


How Long Does A Weight Loss Plateau Last?

Normally, a weight plateau stays for around 8-12 weeks, however, how long does a weight loss plateau lasts varies from person to person.

Moreover, if you recognize your weight loss plateaus soon and work wholeheartedly, you can easily overcome them in a few weeks. 

The minimum period that a plateau stays is 4 weeks. However, if necessary changes aren’t done, you might never beat it and end up quitting the regime. 

Weight loss plateaus are the normal part of the process and may occur several times in a journey. 

But instead of giving up you better make the changes and go on. 


Before You Quit!

All the tips and tricks can answer how to overcome the weight loss plateau but if you really want to beat it, patience and consistency are the keys. 

You can eat a protein-fiber-carb-rich diet, drink plenty of water, sleep adequately, take stress less, do strength training, and change your workout. 

Although if you’re not consistent, motivated, and patient, you can never reach the goal. 

Use your motivation to break the weight loss plateau but don’t let the weight loss plateau break you!

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