What’s the Difference between Dynamic and Static Stretching?

Dynamic vs static stretching – One you do before workouts and the other you do after your workout. 

But why and what are the benefits?

Let’s find out that and more in the head-to-head comparison of dynamic vs static stretching!!

Well, you might not be aware of all the advantages that you can experience from stretching. But there are extensive studies that have revealed that stretching can possibly help in making you more flexible.

However, talking about the fitness community, there has been a debatable approach towards stretching as in how to do it and when to do it.

So, we are here with this blog so that you can get relevant info regarding how you could maximize the benefits of stretching.

Generally, there are two types of stretching that can be named as static stretching and dynamic stretching. 

You might be familiar with static stretching, but, on the other hand, dynamic stretching might have come into your understanding more recently.

With that being said, we’ll try to dig a little deeper in understanding the various aspects of static and dynamic stretching and what is the difference between static and dynamic stretching.

So, let’s find out first about dynamic stretching in the comparison overview of dynamic vs static stretching.


What is Dynamic Stretching?

Dynamic Stretching is a movement-based stretching where some parts of your body remain in motion. 

To be precise, while doing dynamic stretching, your joints and muscles go in a full range of motion. 

Generally, they are done as a warm-up before you go for heavy exercises. 

Dynamic stretching basically mimics the movement of the exercise that you are about to perform. For instance, a person could circle their arms if their next activity is to go swimming. 

In addition, this stretching is more like a series of movements that helps the body move before doing any kind of exercise. 

Mostly, people are more likely to do dynamic stretching to prepare themselves for further exercises. 

The movements in dynamic stretching are usually at a slower pace than most of the workouts. The most subtle example of dynamic exercise can be when a runner is performing a knee exercise before going for a run.

However, some perfect examples of dynamic stretching can also be walking lunges, trunk twists, or leg twists against the wall. 

These exercises tend to stimulate the functional movement of the body in order to prime it for intense training. 

Overall, dynamic stretching can further prepare you for all sorts of heavy exercises that you are going to do.

So, now, you must have understood the Dynamic Stretching Definition.

Well, there’s more to it than people know! Dynamic stretching has its own pros and cons. 


Pros of Dynamic Stretching 

As you already know, your body can achieve a lot more through dynamic stretching. 

Listed below are a few of the greatest advantages of dynamic stretching

#1. Your Muscles Get Warmed Up 

One of the most lauded benefits of dynamic stretching is that it can help you warm your muscles. This doesn’t only stretch the muscles but also optimize their overall functioning. 

Since all your muscles get warmed up, your body comes at ease and the performance gets even better. 

#2. It can Increase Your Range of Motion 

Several studies have revealed that dynamic exercises can significantly affect your range of motion. 

The range of motion on hamstring muscles and knee extension tends to increase by ten percent. 

Apart from positively affecting the range of motion, dynamic exercises can also be effective in reducing the stiffness of your body. 

For you to have a clear understanding, a dynamic exercise routine can eventually help make you more limber. 

#3. It Pumps Up Your Blood  

Another amazing benefit of dynamic exercises is that they can improve your blood pumping. 

If you are about to perform heavy workouts, your cardiovascular system also needs as much of the attention as any other systems do. 

Dynamic stretching will get your heart pumping, so you feel completely ready for the heavy exercises.

Despite being effective in workouts, blood pumping has a significant impact on how energetic you feel. 

It will make you feel more energetic throughout the day than you used to.   

#4. Reduces the Risk of Injuries

One of the reasons why so many people enjoy doing dynamic stretches is that it prominently decreases the risk of injuries. 

The improved blood circulation that it provides to your body significantly minimizes the risk of you facing an injury.

For your information, jumping straight towards the heavy workout without doing dynamic exercises would always be a bad idea!

So, mentioned above were all about the advantages that you are likely to get with dynamic stretching. 

Let’s move on and find out the risks of dynamic stretching if there’s any!


Cons of Dynamic Stretching 

There is no such thing as disadvantages of Dynamic Stretching

However, the only risk attached with dynamic stretching is that it can be dangerous if not done in a correct way. 

One of the main dangers of dynamic stretching is that it is quite easy to overdo it. More than that, some people end up hurting themselves by stretching too hard or too fast. 

So, you must know the required pace at which you should do the exercise. 

One thing you must take into consideration is that if you are new to dynamic stretching, you must start off gently and at a slower pace. 

It can significantly reduce the risk of getting hurt by stretching. 

Until now, we have acknowledged the dynamic stretching definition and its benefits and risks. 

Now is the time to let you be aware of the perfect time to do dynamic stretching. 


When to Do Dynamic Stretching? 

Dynamic stretching can be usually done before any heavy exercises or workouts. 

As we have already mentioned, it helps your muscles get ready for further exercise. 

As a fitness fanatic, you must know when you should do dynamic stretching to maximize the results. 

Mentioned below are some of the situations where you must include them:

#1. Before Sports or Athletics: Dynamic exercises are really beneficial for those who will be playing sports that include running or jumping. 

#2. Before Weight-lifting: According to research, dynamic exercises can help you in leg extension and improving performance. 

#3. Before Cardiovascular Exercises: Dynamic exercises tend to maximize the benefits of your cardiovascular exercises. 

So, we now have discussed all the necessary aspects of dynamic stretching. 

Since many people keep querying about the difference between static and dynamic stretching, let’s also know what exactly is static stretching!



What is Static Stretching? 

Static stretching is basically done by placing the joints in such a position that the muscles and the connective tissues are stretched. 

The muscles that are stretched stay in a static position at the greatest length. The adequate amount of time for stretching should be somewhere between 15 to 30 seconds. 

One of the most important differences between dynamic versus static stretching is that the former one is done before exercising and the latter is done at the very end. 

Static stretching is basically a kind of stretch that you hold in place for a specific period of time. 

The movements done in static stretching are quite similar to what you will be doing in your workout. 

However, one thing that is much needed while doing these stretches is that the performer needs to be as relaxed as possible. 

A relaxed body allows maximal stretching that further benefits muscles and tissues with little resistance. 

Static stretches are for the end of your workout session. 

It maximizes the benefits when your muscles are completely warmed up. 

Apart from static stretching definition, you must also know its benefits and disadvantages before you attempt it. 

Well, first, here are the advantages of static stretching.


Pros of Static Stretching

There are so many benefits that you are likely to experience with static stretching. 

Mentioned below are some of the potential benefits of static stretching

#1. Enhances Mobility

When you are doing static stretching, your joints are likely to move in various directions. These functions in the joints increase their individual range of motion. 

The muscles that surround the joints significantly loosen. More than that, it allows the tissues and the muscles to lengthen and loosen. 

Due to some psychological factors, such as anxiety and stress, some people tend to have their muscle fibers tightly woven together. 

Static stretching can offer relief!

#2. Health Benefits

Static stretching has some other health benefits attached to it. Static Stretching regulates blood circulation. And good blood circulation signifies a healthy body. 

The longer you hold the stretch, the more you are likely to allow the blood flow to reach out to the muscles. 

Moreover, as your muscles get in the relaxing mode, you feel less stressed than usual. 

#3. Reduces Risk of Injury

Apart from all the differences between static and dynamic stretching, there is this similarity! You can experience the minimum risk of injuries with static stretching as well. 

According to studies, it is a proven fact that doing static stretching after a workout decreases the risk of injuries. 

If you have a tighter muscle and a smaller range of motion, then you are more likely to face injuries. And static stretching helps you with exactly that. 

However, with static stretching, your muscles are not stiff and tight like before, so there is a lower risk of facing any injuries. 

Apart from these benefits of static stretching, there are also the following risks of static stretching which you must consider.


Cons of Static Stretching 

Too much of everything is eventually bad! 

Despite being so much advantageous for overall health, static stretching can also have some cons.

However, you can only face the disadvantages if you overdo it or do it in an incorrect manner. 

Moreover, static stretching might increase the risks of injury when done before endurance or strength training. 

All you can do to spare yourself from facing these disadvantages is start doing your stretching right after one hour of completing the endurance training. 

In this way, the risk of negative impacts gets eliminated and you can maximize the advantages of static stretching

As you can see, the cons of static stretching are next to none. 

Moving on further, let’s find out when you are supposed to perform static stretches so that you can compare the dynamic vs static stretching timings and workout instructions as well.


When to Do Static Stretching? 

Static stretching can prominently increase the flexibility of your body. 

In order to get the most out of static stretching, do it in a specific time frame.

Mentioned below are some of the situations where you can perform these stretches. 

#1. After a workout: Always consider doing static stretching after your muscles are all warmed up or after you are done with your workout. 

#2. To increase the range of motion: If you find yourself getting injuries, you must do static stretching to reduce the risk. 

#3. When you have to improve your flexibility: If your body feels stiff and you want to get away from it, try doing static stretching on a regular basis. 

#4. When you need to unwind from stress: When you want to get rid of the unnecessary stress, static stretching might work for you.

So, here we discussed the legit situations where your body needs static stretching. Moreover, now we came to the concluding part of dynamic exercise vs static exercises comparison. 


Wrapping Up

Many people stay unaware of the differences between static stretching vs dynamic stretching and, hence, are not able to ever get the full range of benefits. 

In this blog, we have dealt with all the major aspects of both exercises in a detailed way. 

Both stretches can possibly provide you with so many health benefits that we have already mentioned. However, they have their own perks and cons too. So, consider the risks and follow the instructions to maximize the benefits.