Exercises To Boost Testosterone Quickly Without Weights

Put a halt to your constant hunt to find easy ways to boost testosterone levels. And no we are not talking about supplements. An effective way to trigger natural testosterone production is by doing exercises. And the best part is you don’t really have to lift heavy; there are testosterone boosting exercises without weights that help increase and maintain healthy t-levels. 

testosterone boosting exercises without weights

A decline in the primary male sex hormone i.e. testosterone is often associated with a decrease in muscle mass, loss of muscle strength, lean body, and cognitive decline as well.

In such a situation, incorporating exercises to increase testosterone levels can give some long-term results. 

As per research of Endocrine Connections medical journal, HIIT and resistance training have a significant correlation between testosterone and measures of physical performance. 

Moreover, while most of the testosterone boosting exercises include lifting weights, what if you don’t have weights or don’t want to lift heavy?

Can you boost testosterone without lifting heavy?

Well, yes! There are testosterone-boosting exercises without weights that are easy, effective, and safe. 

Whether you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or 60s, you can add these exercises to your routine and watch your T-levels soar high. 

Before we reveal what exercise increases testosterone levels naturally without you having to lift heavy, here’s how it actually happens. 


How Exercises Boost Testosterone?

There are many proofs that support that exercises can boost testosterone 

As per the results published in Clinical Endocrinology, higher physical activity along with poultry and fish-eating is associated with higher testosterone levels. 

Another study compared the oxygen uptake capacity, reaction time, testosterone, growth hormone, and insulin-like growth factor-I in athletes as compared to sedentary people.

The reports found a significant difference. As per the results, long-term exercise decreased reaction time and increased testosterone levels, vo2 Max, and growth hormone in elderly males.

But the question is how it actually happens. 

Notably, there are several ways through which exercising affects testosterone levels positively.

#1. Helps reduce excess weight

#2. Stimulates muscle growth

#3. Lowers stress 

Testosterone and obesity are inversely correlated to each other. That is to say, the more obese you are the less testosterone levels you’ll have.

Exercising on the other hand assists in getting rid of excess weight and brings back the testosterone levels on track.

In another study by Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, there was a significant positive correlation between changes in serum testosterone levels and physical activity.

As per the reports, an increase in physical activity increased the serum testosterone levels in obese men after weeks. 

Moving on, muscles and testosterones are also related. While we all know that testosterone helps boost muscle growth, you must also know that the more muscles you work on the greater is your testosterone response. 

Lastly, as per the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercises lowers stress and stabilizes mood.

Low stress because of a decline in cortisol level also has an effect on the testosterone boost as stress, sleep and testosterone are all related. 

That’s how exercise boosts testosterone levels. Now moving on let’s get to know some of the testosterone-boosting exercises without weights. 


Testosterone Boosting Exercises Without Weights

Different types of exercises both endurance and strength training positively impact testosterone levels. Here is a list of testosterone-boosting exercises without weights for you to try. 

#1. Push Ups

It is one of the most commonly performed testosterone-boosting exercises without weights. So, will 100 push-ups a day increase my testosterone levels? 

With Push Ups, it is always the more the better.

However, you can start with 1-10 push-ups and gradually increase it. It is a type of resistance exercise that naturally boosts the testosterone levels. 

If you choose push-ups to boost testosterone levels, your goal should be to do as many sets and reps as possible.


#2. Yoga

This ancient practice has been the cure for many physical and mental health issues including arthritis and depression.

However, when it comes to testosterone boost, it is believed that yoga poses like bridge pose, chair pose, and bound angle pose can increase the secretion of the primary male hormone testosterone. 

Reports of the study determine the effect of yoga stretching on salivary stress hormones and the cardiac autonomic nervous system.  There was an increase in salivary testosterone levels and a significant increase in testosterone/cortisol ratio at 120 min after yoga stretching.


#3. Chin-Ups

It is a bodyweight training that can help with testosterone boost. All you need is a pull-up bar to pull your declining testosterone levels. 

Under moderate tempo perform 5-6 sets of body weight chin-ups until you get tired.

If you aren’t crazy about lifting heavy weights use your body weight to target various muscles and boost testosterone levels. 


#4. Sprinting

It is a very high-impact exercise that has a great effect on the body. Sprinting improves stimulus to a level where it has a testosterone-boosting effect.

In a study, a 4 x 250-m run on a treadmill, led to a significant increase in the testosterone, growth hormone, and testosterone/cortisol ratio. 

It is recommended to include 50 m-all-out sprints with 30 seconds of rest in 5 to 15 intervals depending on the fitness level can have a positive impact on your testosterone levels.


#5. Squats

Leg workouts are the best testosterone-boosting exercises without weights. It is because it targets the lower body with bigger muscles. 

Therefore, performing heavy squats on a regular basis will do more than improve your athletic ability. It will boost your testosterone levels and also affect your muscular strength. 

It is a great way to naturally boost the testosterone levels. Start with 5-10 repetitions and gradually increase it.


#6. Lunges

It is another lower-body workout that can affect your testosterone levels. You can include lunges in your main exercise or your warm-up session. 

It targets glutes, calves, core, quads, and hamstrings. Doing lunges is not really that hard. It can easily fit into your daily routine.

Start with 1 set of 12 lunges and gradually improve it from here.


#7. Mountain Climber

To be honest, it is my favorite exercise of the whole routine. It is tiring, helps me work on the core, and is highly effective. 

Moving on, it is also one of the testosterone boosting exercises without weights that can have effective results on your male sex hormone. 

Interestingly, it targets the core, chest, hamstrings, and glutes. So basically, it covers the whole body.

Start with 6 alternate back-and-forth movements with each leg. 


#8. Sit-Ups

It is considered a great abs workout without weights. However, you can also consider it as one of the exercises to boost testosterone without weights. 

Sit-ups increase testosterone levels for a short duration after performing it. Therefore it is recommended to do it in the morning when your testosterone levels are already high to get maximum benefits. 

Though you might need some time to excel in this exercise, once you get used to it, you can see what the hype is all about. 

These were some of the testosterone-boosting exercises without weights that you can include in your regime if you aren’t a fan of heavy-weight exercises. 

The best part is, these exercises can be easily performed by men of all ages including beginners and pros. Adding to it, one doesn’t need any trainer to perform it correctly. One can easily do all these exercises while watching them on several online platforms. 

Nonetheless, there’s always room for improvement. You can increase the effectiveness of these testosterone boosting exercises by keeping the following things in mind.


Improve the Effectiveness of Testosterone Boosting Exercises

There are different ways to boost testosterone. And if you have ditched the most popular ways for faster testosterone boosts like supplements, you need to pay extra attention to certain things to improve the results. 

You need to quit smoking, sleep on time, give importance to recovery time, focus on clean eating, and take less stress. 

Making these small changes will have a bigger effect on your testosterone levels individually and also in combination with testosterone-boosting exercises. 

Adopting these lifestyle changes will give you motivation and energy to perform each exercise with expertise and maximize the testosterone boost.